chapter 9

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Lillian had woken up a bit earlier because she couldn't sleep last night she was still shaken cause it brought back memories of her childhood which she had tried for years now to forget.

Getting up she decided to freshen up. And after brushing her teeth, and still in her night gown she realized she had forgotten to take her underwear from their bedroom. So she decided to go get it thinking Richard would probably still be asleep since he was so drunk last night, she was shocked to see him dressed and by now he was already knotting his tie.

After looking at him by the door for a while she walked up to him and said " Richard we need to talk". Richard who acted like she wasn't talking to him was already done with knotting his tie and decided to step out of the room but she held him back

" Richard I'm sure you heard me...we need to talk". By now she was standing in front of him and finally looking at her he said " Haven't I told you not to show up in front of me again? Now please move aside I'm late for work ".

" Work? By this time? Richard it's 6am in the morning why would you want to leave the house by this time of the morning". Lillian said.

" Have you perhaps taught that maybe I don't want to see your face.... please step aside I have work to do". He said with a frustrated voice. When he tried to leave again she held him by the arm and said " I'm sick of this behaviour of yours Richard. You haven't even once looked at me properly since you came back. I had done so much to prepare for your return... You didn't even tell me when you were coming back I had to hear it from Aaron". And before she could continue talking, Richard interrupted her.

"Aaron! Aaron! Aaron! I'm sick of hearing that name" Richard shouted".

And looking at him in shock Lillian said " what do you mean by that Richard he's your brother".

" Brother huh... And what is he to you brother-in-law or lover"? By now she took a step back in shock and said " what do you mean by that Richard he's my brother in-law of course and you know we have been friends since college as well why on earth would you say such a thing to me".

" You wanted to know what has made me gone crazy right? Come on I will show you follow me " he said to her and grabbing her by the hand, with a very tight grip. He let go of her hand when he opened the bedside drawer and took out the flash drive and bringing out his laptop, he inserted the flash drive and played the video.

When what was in the video came to light, Lillian visibly paled shocked at what she saw playing on the screen and Richard looking at her reaction to the video said to her "See for yourself Lillian look at your betrayal I bet you didn't think I would ever find out did you"? He continued speaking

 " When I saw this for the first time Lillian I couldn't believe my eyes I thought I had gone mad. I didn't want to believe it but the person who sent this to me must have felt sorry for me that's why he or she thought,  I should know about the liar I had married". Walking up to her now where she stood rotted to the ground and in shock, still looking at the screen.

He grabbed her by the shoulders, which made her shift her attention to him and said to her " if you loved him why didn't you marry him...why put me through this much pain Lillian? You two must be laughing at me behind my back are my right or wrong answer me Lillian why are you so shocked"? He asked glaring at her shocked face she still stood glued to the screen.

" You don't actually believe what is on that screen do you Richard? But that's.... That's.... That's not me Richard it isn't me I swear to you.....I swear on our love" he cut her off immediately and said to her " Love? No Lillian that.. he said while pointing to the screen isn't love... That's betrayal! Your betrayal!.

Shaking her head now, she quickly held his two hands together and by now, she was crying so much that she couldn't even see properly anymore but she still looked at Richard and said

 "Please Richard you have to trust me I would never lie to you that... Isn't me.... I love you and you know has been and it will only ever be you and nobody else". But looking into his eyes she could see the distrust and she paled...her marriage couldn't be over.... Not like this... They were barely even married a year.

"That dress isn't it yours? Alright hold on". He said to her as he went into their walk in closet and came out with the same dress the girl on the screen which happened to be her was wearing. She looked at the dress and said "But Aaron got me that dress as a gift ".

" Of course he's your lover after all. You know Lillian.... he said throwing the dress to the ground I really didn't want to believe it but then when I came back, and saw that dress hanging in your wardrobe I was shattered. It put the last nail on the coffin".

And grabbing her by the shoulders once again he said to her " And as far as I'm concerned this marriage of ours if full of deception Lillian.... I can't deal with looking at your face any longer.... you and Aaron make me sick". He finally let her go and turning around he closed his eyes and whispered to her hearing "I don't think it will do any of us good to stay married to each other.....I don't think I can do it.... It will only make me hate you". After saying this, he walked out of the room and leaving her standing there besides the laptop.

She slowly sat on the bed his words still play in her head. She sat there for a while frozen, and shocked to her bones. By now, the video has already finished playing looking at the the laptop with a tear stained face she picked it up and threw it across the wall and it scattered and broke. And moving closer to the wall, she slowly slid down the wall and began to cry bitterly, remembering Richard's last words before he left... So her marriage of not even up to a year was over... And she kept crying and whispered to no one in particular... " I'm not the one in the video".

Authors note


I want to say a big thank you to all those who have been reading so far... Please don't be a stranger vote, and comment I really want to hear your thoughts...

Till next time🤪
# immamiten#AMH😍☺️

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