chapter 39

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After Mia walked away, Richard stared after her for a long time he looked back to where she supposedly came out crying from and he could tell it was a wedding and he had so many thoughts running through his head did she know the groom...why did she run out like that...but then again he had never seen her with any man or was it because someone hurt her but why did he feel for a second there that her pain was directed at him.

While he stood there pondering, his phone rang and looking at the screen, it was none other than Nelson.. he smiled and picked up the call. He heard heavy breathing and asked

 " Hello...dude you alright?".

"Yeap at the gym and decided to call you... haven't heard from you for a while are such an inconsiderate friend you know that you couldn't even call to know how I'm doing".

"Why do you always nag's not nice for a guy I've always told you that".

"That's really not the point Richard". He sounded upset.

" I'm sorry.... its just that this week has been hectic with the presentation and's been a crazy week in fact".

"I can how was the presentation".

"It was great Mia pitched it but we worked together to come up with the idea".

"By we do you mean...just the both of you?". Richard could feel his smile through the phone.

"No we were four working together actually...and even it was just the two of us what else could we have done other than work and Brainstorm".

"I can't believe you still haven't made a move yet ...dude have you always been this slow?". He was laughing now.

"I'm sincerely not in the mood for this Nelson and by the way how's Avery". He said walking towards the exit of the hotel.

"Alright keep denying it all you want.... Avery is fine by the way thanks for asking". Richard could hear shuffling on the other side and by the time he got to the car, they talked some more and then the call was disconnected.

Mia didn't realize what she had done until she stepped Into her room, and straight into her bathroom. She walked up to the sink and turned on the tap and began to wash her face. And by the time she raised her face up, her eyes were red...she had forgotten to take out her contacts and they were irritating her eyes now so she quickly took them out and put them in their solution.

By the time she took them out, her violet eyes came to view...only a few people knew the true color of her eyes since her accident...her mom of course, her two friends Anita and Emily and of course Richard who knew only because of this convention they had attended...even Dominic didn't know he probably thought she had plain brown eyes.

She took a towel and began cleaning her face while she walked back to her room she sat on the bed and immediately her brain started playing just the few moments ago....she was in a wedding and she started crying and then she bumped into Richard and then she shouted at him. She immediately began to scold on earth could she have...done that.. her action would surely raise questions.

And right now thinking about it, made her a bit tense...Richard had never been one to pry.... she hoped he wouldn't ask her anything because, she wasn't ready to answer any questions what so ever while she was still seating her buzzing phone gained her attention...she let her back fall on the bed and picked the call.

"Hi girl... how've you been.. I've called like 10 times already why weren't you picking". Emily's chirpy voice was heard through the phone.

"I'm good....I stepped out...must have left my phone back at the suite I'm sorry I didn't pick up". She said putting her hand over her eyes.

" That's alright...although you don't sound sound rather tired are you sure you fine Mia".

"Yes...Emily I'm fine...just that this week has been a bit hectic that's all".

"So anything steamy so far...what about that Mr. Richard....".

"Please Emily...nothing has happened it.." She said rolling her eyes and laughing a little.

She didn't let her finish and said "Well you know what they always say if nothing has happened yet, then something will happen soon".

"So do you have any other plans for today?". Mia said trying to change the subject.

"Well there is a dinner party tonight to celebrate the CONVENTION... And the company that will be handling the project will also be announced yeah that's the plan for tonight".

"Wow that's might meet your soulmate make sure you dress as sexy and as captivating as you can's a pity I won't be there to pick out the dress for you".

"Are you being serious right now Emily...anyway how's your mom doing ".

"She fine hang up so I don't take up all the time you need to get ready okay.. bye love you".

She smiled after she dropped her phone...talking to Emily actually lightened her mood and at least she forget what had happened with Richard earlier.

After she dropped the call she quickly called the  reception and they gave her the number of the boutique which was also in the hotel building...she called gave them a color and gave them her size as well and asked them to send a dress to her room she didn't have the energy to go through an array of clothes although she sent them a sample of what she wanted so she felt that was enough guide for them to send her something dinner appropriate.

Not quite long, at least 30, minutes after she made the call she heard a knock on the door and was a bit apprehensive on opening the door since it could also be Richard and she was not ready to see him. But she opened anyway and it was a staff and she was holding what seemed to be a package and she smiled and said "Ma'am the dress you ordered".

She thanked the young lady and went in. It was at least two hours before the dinner party and since she has taken a pain reliever earlier for her headache she was feeling drowsy and she just dropped the bag on the chair in her room and climbed the bed.

Richard had been present for the last 30 minutes and he had also spoken with a few people he knew but he kept staring at his watch and also the door as the point that Vivian had asked if anything was the matter to which he gave a tight lipped smile  and told her to enjoy the party...
why wasn't she here yet....

Mia just stepped into the building and her eyes scanned through the room she felt nervous... perhaps she should have shopped for the dress herself....since she hadn't bothered to check the dress with the assurance that they wouldn't have made any mistakes, she woke up and started getting ready but when she took out the dress from the bag, she was astonished...firstly this wasn't the color she wanted she had wanted the royal blue color but she was seeing purple instead... but then again she was running out of time so she had to wear it and not to forget that she had overslept.

It was a beautiful dress indeed it was also just the right size. It was a long sleeveless dress, and it had a transparent purple lace in the shoulder and it had a low neck line as well but the back was transparent and since the lace ran through to the back, one could see her skin very clearly through the lace and even though she was a bit uncomfortable, she couldn't complain since she had nothing else to wear and it also wasn't like she could just bail out of this party as it was very important so she decided to suck it up and put on a smile.

The dress displayed her curves as well as her flawless skin. Richard was getting impatient and scanned his eyes through the crowd once again  and also in the direction of the door when he saw her...and he was speechless for a moment he just stared until she got to where he stood. He was called out of his reverie, when she whispered "Am I late?".


thanks to all those who have been reading and voting so far.. please continue....I'm sorry if there isn't much drama in this chapter but I promise it gets better in the next one and the following ones as well

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