chapter 28

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Richard got home around 10pm that night.. he entered smiling to himself. He recalled all that had happened in the past two weeks ...of course he had recovered a long time ago and sometimes he even forgot that he fainted, or even got sick.

But the one thing he was certainly sure of was that he had probably or most definitely gone a little bit insane in the last two weeks. The last two weeks have been WORK...WORK...WORK and since he has signed the papers, The past two weeks, have been spent working on the blue prints for the new building...and since it was going to be a very large building,  a lot of detailed work needed to be done. People wouldn't know this but sometimes it was much better to erect a whole new building, than to reconstruct an old one. But since Mr. wellington, chose that particular location the amount of stress that came with it, couldn't be helped.

Since he just had dinner, he didn't bother eating anything else so he just took off his clothes, and got into the shower.

As soon as the water cold water hit his back his muscles tensed and relaxed but he felt great relief. He opted for a cold shower even though the weather wasn't hot...but the reason for that, was that he felt hot...he felt his body was on fire and coupled with the fact that he hadn't had much sleep for some time now so the cold shower, was much needed.

Working with Mia, or miss Stewart as he addressed her for the past two weeks had taken a huge toll on Richard not only mentally but physically...which was quite funny because he just met the woman which was why anytime he thought about it, he just chose to described it as madness.

He discovered, that in this short amount of time they had been working together, he was becoming more insanely attracted to her as the days, slowly went by.

Aside from the fact that she was always elegantly and neatly dressed, Mia was a very beautiful woman if he chose to tell himself the truth...he found himself stealing glances at her more often that he could control his eyes from straying to her direction...they did all their work in the conference room...although there was an exception of his office, on the first day  they started working together. Nelson joined them sometimes but since he was also working on another project, he only breezed in once in a while to join them.

He also realized, that he loved to hear her speak so whenever she would try to explain anything or give her opinion on their work together, he would listen with rapt attention...he also found himself starring at her lips whenever she bit on them trying to understand or focus and he found himself wishing he could do the same thing.... Not only the way she spoke but the way she conducted herself as well...although he felt she was a little too serious, that didn't seem to deter him at was almost like he was suddenly placed in a car without brakes that just kept on moving without stopping....and he certainly couldn't do anything about this growing attraction which was really frustrating him a lot.

By the time he was done showering, he brushed his teeth, did a little flossing and quickly put on a sweat shirt, and pants because he was feeling a little cold since he stayed under the shower longer then he should have. He laid down on his bed and even though his body was tired, his mind was fully awake and clearly roaming...his thoughts once again strayed to a certain brown eyed lady..... Mia.

In the past seven years....he had met a lot of women but he hadn't been remotely physically attracted, nor sexually attracted to any woman....and at some point Nelson would say that perhaps he had started to swing the other way...and if he did he should let him know.

But he had obviously never felt anything for his fellow guy before...but the fact that it seemed that he was brain dead to any form of attraction to women sometimes puzzled him....but it seemed all those feelings had come back with full force since Mia walked into his company.

Today, they had finally finished the blue print they have been working on for the past two weeks and although he was a little relieved, he was sad as well because now seeing her won't be as frequent anymore....he remembered what she wore today...she wore an off shoulder striped dress and it look wonderful on her he watched her in a daze as she walked in and only came to himself when she greeted him....since the dress was an off shoulder dress, her neckline as well as her most of her supple skin was visible...and his thoughts were once again straying to how he wished he could trace her her neck and shoulders with his hands and lips and he literally visibly shook his head to rid himself of such ridiculous thoughts which prompted her asking him if he was okay.

He quickly covered up saying that he just slept wrongly and woke up with a stiff neck.

Nelson had suggested, that they have dinner out to celebrate the fact that they had successfully finished the blue print. Although she was a bit reluctant. He could tell from her body language, that she was tired and perhaps mentally exhausted because she always seemed to be very tensed around him. He had been tempted to ask her numerous times about it but could never bring himself to ask.

When they were finished with dinner and she left, Nelson had given him a strange look laughing and shaking his head and looking to him, he asked " what's with the look?".

"Dude I'm so happy for you...can't you see what the hell I'm seeing". Nelson said patting him on the back.

"What do you mean? I'm not following".

" really can't see it? There is so much tension between you two it so funny to watch". He replied laughing.

"Was that why you made her uncomfortable with those questions you asked earlier and besides I don't understand what you are talking about". Richard asked a little upset.

Of course Nelson was right but he was never going to admit it...not to himself or anybody he has only loved Lilian and nobody else. He was already frustrated and angry with himself... how on earth could he feel anything for another woman no matter how beautiful she was....she could never be Lillian so why was he struggling in her presence and he also never understood why everything she did remind him of Lillian.

Something was certainly wrong with him he concluded...he tried to assure himself that this was just a phase and once this partnership was over.. this feelings will die along with them.

But then again how true Will that be....


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Till next time...welcome to JUNE guys I know its probably a bit late but HAPPY NEW MONTH!!!


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