Chapter 12 - Blood Brother

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The room, Mark's class was in, was dimly lit with blue bar lights on the ceiling. It is just half the size of their usual classroom with no chairs. The 18 students including their professor encircle around a blue portal which leads to the ether.

"Ok now class, I am going to show you how to hunt in the ether but first, you have to know how to look through your demon's eyes. Now let's all summon a demon that you are going to put into the ether."

Mark, having no other choice summoned Frost as his demon. James, who just came back from being suspended called forth his Arach then Lyra her Ent, a demon that resembles a human sized old oak tree that has hands and feet. The rest of the class did so with each of their demons.

"Uh Randall, I suggest you summon something faster than your Golem" The professor asked Randall in quite an annoying manner. Randall on the other hand, humbly obeyed by absorbing his Golem, then summoning his ruby red Scarab.

"Alright let's go on. Press the button opposite to the one that gives the command to absorb your demon" The professor commanded in a matter-of-fact manner which the class quickly followed. Upon doing so, the SAT displayed what seems like a floating square green mirror with the size of an A6 paper.

"As of now, you can see yourselves on the screen which your SAT opened. Now, mentally command your demons, the one you summoned of course, to share their visions with you!" One by one, the screen of each student changed to the view of what their demons see.

Mark's screen is mostly in the shade of purple with the humans in a very light shade of orange in different shades as if looking through a thermographic camera.

"Hey why can't I see anything on my screen?" Sean exclaimed while tapping his SAT

"Unfortunately for you Mr. Acas, Serpentids are blind so you've got to choose another demon. Perhaps your pathetic Scarab would do." The professor spoke in a mocking manner causing Sean to be annoyed but seem to try his best to hide it.

With that, he absorbed his Serpentid, a demon that resembles a perfectly white cobra with spikes on its tail. He then summoned his pitch black scarab to heed to the professor's advice.

"Oh for your information ladies and gentlemen..." The professor started lecturing while pressing some buttons on what looks like a modern iphone "...the ancient summoners, who call themselves battlemages, had to use their own mana to summon a portal such as this. With that, only the one that summoned the portal can enter or else, there would be a merging of mana and that scenario isn't that hard to maintain for inexperienced summoners. Today, we have developed a portal by creating a rift to the space-time continuum which I would not be able to explain to you as of now. You can actually do so as well by pressing the button on the right side of your demon absorbing buttons then the on the left side of it to select the region of the ether you are entering. As of now, we have only mapped 30% of the whole ether so you can only enter a limited number of regions..."

"Blah blah blah..." Sean mocked in a very low voice, not to be heard by the professor. Simen stopped Sean by hitting Sean's side with his elbow.

"...Ok I found the region where we will do the hunting." The professor hit another button causing the portal to glow in a bright blue light. He then summoned his Griffon, a horse sized demon with the body, tail and back legs of a lion then head, wings and talons of an eagle, and made it enter the portal. "Ok class, make your demons enter the portal!"

Myrtle made the lead by making her Shrike, a birdlike demon with long black feathers and a cruelly hooked beak, enter the portal. Yvette followed with her Lutra, a dog sized demon that sort of resembles an overgrown otter with a tail spiked like a morning star and has two large incisors.

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