James arrived at the arena after the announcement of Team Two and Team Three's match.
"Ah James! You came just in time to watch us kick those girls' asses!" Sean braggingly greeted James who simply walked past them and sat next to Mark.
"Darn! That James really get to my nerves!" Sean barked, clenching his fist as he walk along Simen and Alfredo towards the Arena.
"I bet your getting to his nerves as well anyway." Alfredo mocked Sean, grinning at him.
"Awe shut up!" Sean folded his arms and faced away from Alfredo. "Oh where's Ms. Lacap anyway?"
"Hmmm...I saw her sitting with the Senators by the right wing of the arena. Perhaps she'll meet us at the waiting area." Simen answered keeping his focus forward.
It'll just be a matter of minutes before they could battle with Mr. Cabal's team, the noble girls which Sean is most pissed off.
After a few minutes of walking, they reached the waiting area on the right wing of the arena. As Simen assumed, Camryn is seating by a bench at the area, waiting for them.
"Hey there Ms. Lacap!" Sean greeted Camryn upon gaining sight of her.
"Oh hello there boys! So how are you feeling?" Camryn turned around, then stood up, upon seeing Simen and his friends.
"Excited to kick those girls' asses Ma'am!" Sean punched his left palm showing his eagerness to get the fight started.
"I'm glad to hear that. But I'll appreciate it if you'd watch your mouth." Camryn chuckled at Sean's words, amused of how eager he is to fight. "And how about the two of you?"
"Not as excited as this jerk right here. But you can bet on me doing my best." Alfredo spoke with a quip against Sean making the latter look at him with fierce eyes.
"Yes we'll do our best to defeat that team right guys!" Simen lead the two into a cry of victory.
"Yeah!" The two stopped their fight and joined Simen in his cheer.
"Alright! I'll be right behind you boys!" Camryn raised her right hand and joined her students in their cry of victory.
"Everything's set ladies and gentlemen! Let us now call both teams to enter the arena and show themselves to the crowd! Let me now present you, Team Two and Team Three!" The announcer spoke after a few minutes, breaking Team Three's cheer.
"Alright here we go boys! Let's do this!" Camryn led the boys in the arena, seeing Stephen and the noble girls waiting for them.
"Let's not delay this any longer. Match select!" Before Sean can speak again with one of his bragging speeches, the announcer spoke the moment they showed in the arena.
Random student pictures on both halves of each screen rapidly rolled to select the first contenders. Finally, on the left part of the screen, Beatrice's face appeared then Sean's on the right.
"There you go ladies and gentlemen! For Team Two, we have Ms. Beatrice Eliot and for Team Three, let's welcome Mr. Sean Acas!"
"Yeah! I'll...." Sean pointed his finger at Beatrice and tried to speak against her but Camryn quickly covered his mouth before he can speak another word against Beatrice.
"Hahaha. He's just too fired up." Camryn smiled while wiping some sweat on her forehead. "These are daughters of prominent families. Be careful with your words." Camryn snooped down and whispered on Sean's ear.
"Okay now. I ask the others to get back to the waiting area and let the battle begin!"
Camryn let go of Sean and went back with the others to the waiting area. Stephen and the two girls aside from Beatrice went in as well, excited to see the match.

1985: Dawn of a New World (A Summoner Fanfic)
FanfictionSeveral millenia has passed and the world has undergone a lot of changes. Along with the advancement of technology was the decay of ancient knowledge and ways. Demon summoning has been disclosed as a myth, so is the existence of dwarves and elves wh...