Chapter 32 - On to the Finals

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Panic started to hit the audience in the arena as Bea's Leonin start to lose control and dig its claws on a wall that serve as the base of the arena's audience seats. The people near where the Leonin is trying to climb started to run away towards higher seat areas.

Bea on the other hand remained standing at one end of the arena seemingly frozen.

"Hey! Summon something to stop that demon!" Someone from the audience angrily shouted at James.

"Hmmp! Not until I am declared as winner!" James shouted back in his ever arrogant tone, folding his arms towards his chest and tapping his right foot in impatience.

"Well as you can see. Your opponent is still standing young man! How can you be considered a winner?" The announcer decided to speak towards James in a calm yet having a small hint of being pissed at his tone of voice.

"Oh alright." James then summoned another demon while his Will O' Wisp is still present. The screen on his summoning device glowed as it threw something in the air. The light started to form above James' head which later revealed a silver Scarab.

"Ok that's it! I'll be stopping this." Stephen suddenly appeared behind the Leonin, holding a sword in his hand surprising everyone who witnessed his sudden appearance. He hit the Leonin's nape with the back of his sword then fell towards the arena's floor followed by the Leonin which he successfully gotten unconscious.

Stephen successfully landed the ground, with the Leonin's body slamming right in front of him then disappeared. He then sheathed his sword and walked towards Bea who slowly started to fall unconscious in the floor.

With the young lady falling, Stephen decided to run instead, catching Bea just in time before her body hits the floor.

"O...k... And with Team two's instructor intervening in the match, Bea is now disqualified making James victorious in this match!" The match announcer declared as James started to jump and shout for his match victory. "And with that, Team Four moves to the finals, battling against Team One! Now, Mark, not being able to be given a chance to fight, I believe our ranked officers have something to test you with. You might want to go to your instructor for details. Now as for the rest of us, that concludes our short but amazing fight for the day and see you next time for the tournament's finale!"

The audience left the arena one by one while the conclusion of the current match is being announced. Mark wanted to congratulate James for his victory however, a touch of anxiety suddenly hit him upon hearing that the officers had a trial set for him.

"Hey we won! You should be rejoicing with me jerk!" Mark snapped from being absent-minded upon James' sudden approach.

"Oh yes, congrats on that match. I'm just wondering if Lyra is ok." Mark replied in a low tone while still deep in thought of his upcoming trial.

"Nah! That girl's as sturdy as her ent! There's no way such wounds would give her real trouble." James waved his hand, motioning Mark to simply let go of the thought about Lyra. "But well, if you're really that worried, let's visit her in the infirmary!" James quickly grabbed Mark's left hand and dragged him outside the arena.

"Wait...I...I have to find Ms. Santos first." Mark suddenly showed resistance the moment they left the arena grounds. In a fainting voice, he expressed the need to look for their instructor.

"Oh yes of course your qualifying task." James let go of Mark upon remembering the game announcer's remarks about Mark. "Now where could my sister be?" James wondered in a pondering pose with Mark not moving an inch, thinking about May as well.

"Hmmm...perhaps her office?" Mark suggested in a doubtful tone, while scratching his hair.

"Maybe. Let's go!" With that, James dragged Mark towards the elevator.

"Hey that was cool! You really defeated that senator's child!" Simen suddenly appeared while James and Mark are on their way to the elevator, making the two suddenly stop in surprise.

"Ha! Nothing beats James Santos!" James exclaimed while beating his chest twice. "I'm not like that foolish wimp over there." He added with his eyes turning towards Sean.

"Hey! Who are you calling a wimp! Can't you see how that girl double-crossed me on that match!" Sean gnarled upon realizing that James' comment was pointed towards him.

"Jeez! When will you two ever stop fighting!" Simen can only slap his own forehead in disappointment.

"Uhmmm. Please excuse us. But we need to look for Ms. Santos." Mark tried to interject in a low voice, with his head bowed and scratching motion on his right cheek.

"Oh yes of course. That's for your trial right? You have to do your best! We haven't seen you fight yet!" Simen spoke in response to Mark's plead.

"Well of course he will! Then we'll beat that Myrtle girl and her team in the finals!" James exclaimed in confidence, seemingly forgetting about his conflict with Sean.

"You better prepare really well for those kids. Well, we know Randall isn't much of a challenge but Candice and Myrtle are some nasty summoners. I mean, you all saw their match right?" Alfredo finally spoke to warn the two.

"Piece of cake! Nothing beats our team when we put everything on our battles!" James waved his hand showing a sign of disinterest against Alfredo's warning.

"Well I hope you're right about that. See you guys in the finals then. I guess we'll be supporting you from the audience." Realizing that James can't be argued with, Alfredo decided to just express his support with his friends.

"Yeah! Let's watch you beat those guys!" Simen cheered Mark and James in support with Alfredo's previous speech.

"Yeah...Let's do our best guys!" Simen and Mark's group were both surprised upon the sudden appearance of Randall. His bland tone in his speech hasn't changed since they last spoke with the boy.

"Jeez Randall. Don't you sneak on us like that! You'll give everyone a heart attack!" Sean spoke while trying to catch his breath.

"Sorry...I just saw you guys having fun...and well...I decided to join you up." Randall smiled still speaking in a bland and slow speech.

Awkwardness suddenly filled the atmosphere amongst the guys realizing that they have been talking against Randall and his team.

"Now maybe I'll say. May the best team win!" Alfredo decided to break the ice by a safe remark for both the teams.

"Yeah and we missed you man!" Simen moved towards Randall and tapped him over his shoulder.

"Ok now we better go! See you guys!" James dragged Mark towards the stairs, not wanting to stay any longer and wait for the elevator.

"See you in the finals guys!" Simen shouted, waving his hand in a farewell motion.

James raised his right hand, in response to Simen's words signifying an agreement with him while Mark looked back while almost tripping due to James pull.

Mark was able to wave his hand back at Simen and the rest of his friends before both of them disappear from their sight.


I hope that chapter did not bore you guys. Don't really know how to go through with that but I guess I did.

Again please vote if you liked this chapter and comment anything you see is wrong.

And thank you all for reading this novel!

Next Chapter: Prove Yourself!

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