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"Are you sure you want to go alone, Y/n? It's rare for Akito to invite an outsider to the main estate." Shigure started.

He was inside his room, the door slightly opened enough for you to hear him.

Y/n had known about the zodiac curse for almost a year and a half and had been living with Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure ever since Akito allowed it.

"I'll be fine, Akito probably wants to talk more about the rules with living with you guys."  You laughed nervously. To be honest, you were very scared from what Akito wanted, she can be a little hectic at times, so who could blame you?

"Well, if anything comes up, call me." You put out, slightly adjusting the sweater you were wearing. "And— incase I'm not back in time to cook dinner, just order out to eat!" You smiled at Shigure who nodded. "Noted. Thank you, Y/n." He gave you a good luck peace sign while grinning.

You chuckled. "I'll be on my way then." "Safe travels!" Shigure now turning his attention to his work.

After you both said your goodbyes and you were off to the estate.

The walk wasn't too long as you made it there in 10 minutes. The gates were closed, so you knocked on them a few times.

"I doubt anyone would hear through these giant ass gat—" Before you could finish, a lady came and opened one of them for you.

"You must be Y/n. Come this way please." She motioned her hands for you to follow. You walked in with her and she took you to the main estate, dropping you off in front of Akito's door. She then knocked as you stood there nervously.

"You may come in." A quiet but stern voice said from inside. You came in slowly and looked up at her.

"Hello Akito." You slightly bowed and she glared down at you. "Don't you know your manners?"She tilted her head, now pushing you down to your knees. You already regretted coming here.

Akito smiled down at you. "You're probably wondering why I summoned you here. I wanted to show you something. Get up."  She demanded.

She was lucky you were being nice instead of fighting her right here.

You stood up, now following Akito who led you to some mountains within the estate. "I heard you had a thing for the cat zodiac." She started. You quickly nodded and smiled. "Yes, The cat has always been my favorite zodiac animal since I was little!" You replied, telling bubbly just at the thought of cats. A little after you both came across a cottage.

"Do you know what this is, Miss Y/n  L/n?" Akito smirked, looking ahead. You looked at her and shook her head, forgetting she couldn't see you. "No." You answered quietly. "It's the cats cottage." Akito said as the smirk grew.

Your heart dropped as she turned to look at you. You didn't say anything, instead, you glanced up at Akito. "Nothing to say?" She grinned, walking over to lift your chin up just to see your expression. You quickly slapped her hand away. "Why did you bring me here?" You glared, both anger and sadness in your voice.

"You are disgusting for wanting to put Kyo or any other being in a place like this!" You spat, bawling up your fists.

Akito's smirk faded. Now she was angry. She glared, grabbing your hands and taking you Inside of the cottage. She pushed you into the cage then locked it. "Since you love the cat zodiac so much, why don't you take its place?!" She yelled with her smile quickly returning.

"What are you doing?! Let me out!!" You screamed, running to the cage bars to tug on them. You slipped your hand through it and grabbed ahold of Akito's robe.

"Okay! I was rude, but I was only telling you the truth! Please don't leave me in here, Akito!!" You begged. She looked down at you. "Don't you want to save your little Kyo?" She smiled. "There has to be another way!! Please!" You tugged harder. You could tell she was beginning to get annoyed with your constant tugging on her robe. She slapped your hand away then leaned down to face your level.

"There isn't. Have fun in your new home, Y/n.~" She turned around and left.

Broken love. (Akito x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now