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It's been almost a week since I came to Hawaii, I haven't left my room since going surfing with my dad.

The door opens slowly and my parents peak their heads through the doorway "hey, sweetie" my mom says softly as I'm glaring at a picture of me and drew.


I delete it along with the other thousand pictures of him and us.

"Hmm" I hum squinting my eyes at my phone "me and your father were talking and..." they sit on my bed "we thought you could finally go on that trip you wanted" I look up from my phone to my parents "go on"

"That money you gave us to put away, well, we thought you could go travel now. You know... take your mind off of things for a while. Have some fun, maybe" I nod a little and sit up "yeah, okay. When?"

"Now" my dad says and I look at him "sweetie, you haven't left your room in days and you've been glaring at your phone the whole time" my mom elbows him and laughs awkwardly "he's right. You need to get out and go be a 21 year old. You're officially allowed to go to clubs. So do that, please"

(I changed the age, she was 20 before but now she's 21)

"You're asking me to go to a club and get drunk?" They nod "oh god yes. Maybe find a one night stand. Move on, or not"

"Oh okay" I look at them "yeah. Sure. I'll go sleep with some random guy" they smile "have fun. Leave now. Like today. I packed you some snacks" my mom says and they both leave my room.


I get up and start packing a lot of clothes and my important shit.

While driving, I'm listening to music on my phone that I connected to my truck. I took my dads truck and left my car with him.

I call mads number and she answers right away "oh my god. S! I thought you were dead! You haven't answered my calls!" She screams and I nod "yeah. So my parents kicked me out cause they thought I needed to hook up and go to clubs and get drunk cause I'm 21 and miserable!"

"They kicked you out?"

"Well, they told me to go on my trip that I've been wanting to go on, so where the fuck are you right now because I'm coming to get you and Maddy so we can get drunk!" She gasps "you're coming?! We're still shooting but we have four days off! It's perfect"

"Okay! I'll be there in the morning. Probably. Pack your shit. We're going back to LA and getting fucked up" I say bouncing in my seat.

"Holy fuck. I've missed you! I'm going to tell Maddy. Love you! Drive safe!" She says and I nod "yeah, love you. I will" I hang up and turn my music up.


Maddy comes back in the room squealing and we all look at her as she runs to Madison, she whispers something in her ear and madison screams "holy shit! Are you serious?!" I look at them confused like everyone else and madelyn nods.

"Fuck yes! We have to pack" they both stand up and look at us "pack for what? What's going on?" Chase asks and madelyn leans down whispering something in his ear and his eyes widen.

She slaps her hand over his mouth and puts a finger to her lips. He nods and she lets go "me and Maddy are going back to LA for a couple days since we're not filming"

"Why?" I ask and they glare at me "none of your business" I sigh and sit back as they run out of the room.

We all look at chase "what did she say?" Rudy asks and chase shrugs "something about a boy band or Taylor swift" he stands up "I should go help them pack" he says and runs out of the room.

I tilt my head a little wondering if it could be about Renny.

I haven't talked to her since she answered my call. I tried calling her again but she didn't answer. I texted a couple times to see how she was but she never answered or looked at the texts.

I stand up and grab my jacket "I'm going to head back to my room" they nod and we say our good nights before I leave the room and head down to my room.

I take my clothes off before laying on my side of the bed and looking at where she slept.

I reach my hand over and rest it on the pillow. I grab it and hold it in my arms as I close my eyes, pretending it's her.

My eyes water and I gulp as I think about her. Every fucking night. Every second of the day she's always on my mind.

How could I hurt her? How could I be so stupid? I lost her. I lost the best part of me and I have no one to blame but myself.

Internet boyfriend ~ D.S.Where stories live. Discover now