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(4 months later)

I drive over to Madelyns and run inside, I knock on her door and she opens rubbing her eyes "what are you doing here so early?" I smile and show her my phone.

She grabs it and then squeals "holy shit!" I laugh and we hug bouncing up and down.

Taylor swift dm'd me. Me! And asked me to be in her short film.

We pull away and I take my phone back "I know. Oh my god! I'm so excited" I say and put my phone in my pocket "okay. That's all I came for. I need to get back now"

We hug again "call me" I nod and leave.

I rush back in my car and drive away while listening to music.

After that one live, I went on a lot of lives with the cast, only if Drew wasn't there and I've gotten a lot of followers. People love me, for some reason. I haven't really gotten hate except for a couple times but i don't care.

I said on one live that I had a huge crush on stiles from teen wolf and now I'm going to be in a short film with him!

I love life right now.


I'm so nervous.

I'm meeting with Taylor swift and Dylan O'Brien for the first time today.

I look down at my phone and then at the restaurant I'm supposed to meet them.

I walk inside and tuck my curly hair behind my ear "hello. Do you have a reservation?" I nod slightly "for swift" he smiles slightly "right this way" I follow him and some of the teenagers look over at me and start whispering.

I see Taylor swift on her phone waiting at a table and she looks up when we get to her "serenity. I'm so glad you made it" she stands up and hugs me.

I hug her back and smile at her when we pull away "hi" I say shyly and she smiles at me "sit down. Dylan isn't here yet but he just texted saying he's on his way" I nod a little feeling nervous.

"Sweetie, you don't have to be nervous around me" she says and I look at her "sorry" I pull my chair in more "I'm just like, a huge fan" she chuckles "so is Dylan. You should've heard his girly scream when I called him" we both laugh and I feel myself going red.

"Speaking of" she says and I look up when Dylan sits down across from me. He smiles at us "sorry I'm late"

"It's no problem. We were just talking" Taylor says and I chuckle lightly moving my hair behind my shoulder.

"Are you ready to order?" A waitress asks standing in front of our table and my eyes widen slightly.

I look down at my menu "I think we're going to need a couple more minutes" Taylor says and she nods, I slide down my chair and put my menu in front of my face.

"Don't need to hide from me, serenity" she says and walks away.

I peek up from my menu as she walks away. I tilt my head and lean to the side as I watch her walk away, my eyebrows raise slightly as I stare at her ass.

"Serenity?" I sit up quickly and look at them "hi, yeah?" I ask and they smile at me "is she a friend of yours?" I lick my lips and breathe out "no" I giggle a little "you're blushing" dylan says and I look st him then at Taylor and nod slightly "am I?"

They both nod "was that..?" Dylan trails off and I look at him "excuse me?"

"From the live" he says and my eyes widen slightly "you saw that?" He nods obviously amused "the whole world saw it" Taylor says and I hum "yeah. That was- that was her. God, she's so beautiful" I say looking at her as she talks to some other customers.

She looks over at me and smiles slightly.

I smile and giggle while looking at her "oh god. Serenity" Taylor snaps her fingers in front of my face and I look at her "hmm?" She chuckles at me.

"I want you both to spend as much time together as you can. To build chemistry for the film" she says and we both nod them some girls come over and look at me.

I look at them and smile awkwardly "you're Drew's ex, right?" I hum nodding "yup. I have a name by the way, but that doesn't matter" I clear my throat and look between them.

"Wait, so who broke up with who?" One of them asks and the other nods looking eager to know.

"Uhh. I broke up with him, technically" I say slowly and confused "why?" I ask sitting back "we were just so confused. By the way, we're totally on your side" they both nod.

"There's sides?" I ask and they nod "yeah, look. Drew vs. Serenity. Everyone is on your side. Mostly" they show me their phone and I have 84% and Drew has 16%.

I open my mouth then close it and my eyebrows furrow together.

"He's like, getting a lot of hate for what he did to you" the blonde one says and I frown slightly as I look at the phone.

"He is?" I ask them and they nod "yeah. It's so messed up what he did. Bringing up your near death experience like that" my leg starts bouncing and I pick at my finger nails.

"Just know. We're all on your side" they say and leave.

My eyebrows furrow together slightly and I feel my heart start to beat faster as I grab my phone and go on Instagram and Twitter.

I look at all the hate he's getting and frown even more as I scroll through my phone.

I never wanted this to happen.

"Serenity?" I clear my throat and look up at them "yeah?"

"Are you okay?" I nod and breathe out smiling at them "yeah. Of course"

Internet boyfriend ~ D.S.Where stories live. Discover now