Chapter Twenty Four

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"ELSA! THAT'S IT!" Mama grasped Elsa's shoulders.

Elsa furrowed her brow as a glacier came into view. "That's Ahtohallan? But, Mama, you said it was a river."

Mama squeezed Elsa's arms excitedly. "Glaciers are rivers of ice, Elsa. Ahtohallan is frozen."

A smile spread on Elsa's face as they neared the glacier. Finally, this could all be over. They could save Aloni and the forest and be free from this place.

Pulling up towards the ice, the water spirit gently pulled them close to the shore, making sure they got off safely. It was as if whatever made him wild was completely gone.

Elsa released the reins as she stood and stepped on the shore. She then turned and helped her mother as the ice wobbled on the water. Mama smiled as she eyed the horse, and Elsa turned to face him. He stood tall and beautiful, his mane flowing like a steady waterfall. Elsa gave a small bow with her head and the horse returned the bow before dashing off into the water.

"That's unbelievable!" Mama exclaimed. "I can't believe you were able to tame the Nokk."

"The what?" Elsa twisted her head around to face her mother.

"The Nokk. The water spirit," Mama explained. "He's always been so wild. Even when I was a little girl. We never really understood why, but..." She shrugged. "I guess all horses are wild until broken."

Elsa opened her mouth to speak, but instead, swung on the balls of her feet, facing the dark opening of Ahtohallan as a melodic voice rang in her ears. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Mama whispered.

Balling her hands into fists, Elsa gritted her teeth. "Aloni," she spat. She marched her way towards the cave opening of Ahtohallan, preparing herself for what would lie ahead.

"Elsa, hold on!" Mama trailed behind her. "Aloni is powerful, and these are her grounds. We can't just barge in there without a plan."

"I have a plan!" Elsa shouted, lowly. "Take her down with everything I've got, and that entails you staying out here. Where I know you'll be safe, and Aloni can't hold you over me."

"No!" Mama shot back. "That's out of the question!"

Elsa rolled her eyes. "Mama, please! I won't argue with you!" She turned around and gripped her mother's hands in her cold grasp. "You said you believed in me," she said, softly. "So, believe in me." She smiled. "I have to do this."

Tears glistened in Mama's eyes. She lowered her head and slowly nodded. "Alright," she said, returning her gaze. "I'll wait out here."

Elsa sighed in relief. "Thank you." She wrapped her arms around Mama in a tight embrace, Mama returning the hug, before turning and dashing off into the caves of Ahtohallan. With Mama out here and out of the way, she would have nothing to stop her from doing what needed to be done.

Stepping into the darkness, she could feel a cold breeze blowing. Squinting, she slowly traversed down a long hallway until she emerged into an opened area in the cave. Frozen stalagmites and stalactites littered the cold surroundings.

All of a sudden, the melodic voice returned and she spun around as the cave wall lit up in pinks and blues. She gasped as it raced down another corridor. Clenching her jaw, she dashed after it. Following the swirling vortex of colors, her feet slid out from underneath her and she found herself skating along the ground.

She squinted once more, seeing the exit of the corridor arriving. Again, she gasped, realizing that the ground beneath her disappeared. She tumbled over the side, but quickly flung her hands out in front of her, creating a slide. The incline caught her and she kept her ice flowing as she chased the colors, the melodic tune staying with her.

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