Chapter Five

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ELSA HURRIED TO put on her clothes. She pulled on her sheer white dress, and blue pants before slipping on her boots. As she raced towards the door, she grabbed her light blue jacket with snowflake accent jewels running across the shoulders and around the hem, a transparent cape flowing behind her.

As she raced down the halls, she swiftly braided her hair before tying it at the bottom around her shoulder. She was going to be late! If she wasn't waiting at the palace doors by the time her parents got there, they would think something was up since she wasn't there to see them off.

Today was the day. She had been up all night trying to come up with a way to sneak to the docks before her parents arrived. There was no way she was going to let them leave without her.

Anna had left early this morning without telling Elsa where she was going. Something had to be going on with her. Anna had gotten angry at her last night, and all because Elsa wanted to protect her little sister. But that was a side of Anna she had never seen before. Never had she seen Anna so angry.

A clock striking the hour echoed throughout the halls of the palace. It was time for her parents to say goodbye, and she wasn't there. Elsa picked up speed.

As she round the corner, her parents emerged through a door. Elsa stopped running as she stepped up beside Mama's maid servant. She panted heavily from her run through her nose, standing straight as she tried to keep her parents from noticing.


Elsa smiled widely as Papa stepped in front of her with his arms outstretched. She opened her arms and accepted his embrace. He hugged her tight; a lot tighter than usual. She pulled away from him and stared into his eyes as they began to water.

"Papa, is everything okay?" She placed a cold hand on top of her fathers that rested on her shoulder.

Papa grinned and let out a soft chuckle. "You're going to make such a great Queen of Arendelle. I love you so much, Elsa."

Why was he talking like that? He was scaring her, making it sound like he was never going to return. Her feelings heightened now sure that they were hiding something from her. Her parents had always taught her about honesty, but when it came down to it, even they would lie to keep a secret.

Papa removed his hand from off her shoulder and headed towards the palace doors. She watched him until he stepped outside and out of view.

"What are you wearing?"

Elsa's mind was jerked back to reality as Mama stepped in front of her. Mama stared at her clothes in disgust. Elsa looked down at her clothes blushing, feeling like maybe she had forgotten something important in her hurry. Nothing was missing.

She turned her gaze up at her Mama and cocked her head as she furrowed her brow. "What do you mean, Mama?"

Mama unexpectedly grabbed ahold of her cape and held it between her fingers. "I mean this!" She let go. "You're going to be queen while we're gone. You need to look like one." Her voice lowered to a whisper as she leaned in Elsa's ear. "Don't you think the snowflakes are a bit dramatic? And where are your gloves?" She leaned back and her gaze shifted to above her head. "And your tiara." Mama's face twisted in annoyance. "You aren't wearing it."

Elsa sighed as her shoulders slumped. "I didn't want to wear it this morning, but I'll go retrieve it."

She had tried so hard over the past few years to gain Mama's approval, but it was so hard to please her. No matter what she did, Mama never seemed thrilled. She wasn't sure what she had done to be treated in such a way, but after what happened with Anna as children, Mama grew distant and afraid.

Mama sighed as she looked at the red carpet that lined the hallway. She folded her hands in front of her. "I love you. Look after Anna." She turned and strode out the palace doors just like Papa had.

Tears formed in Elsa's eyes as she continued staring at the doors. Not even a tiny hug. She didn't understand how a mother could dislike her own child so much.

She dried her eyes before any tears could fall, sucked in a deep breath, and stood tall. Now wasn't the time to pout about her mother issues. She had to hurry and get to that boat before they took off.

As the servants began to clear out, she made sure no one was watching before turning around and taking off towards the servants exit in the kitchen. It would lead her right to the docks without hopefully being caught.

She sprinted through the hallways desperately trying to reach the boat before her parents did. She had less then minutes to beat them. She didn't know how she was going to make it, but she wasn't going to give up until it was too late.

She rounded a corner and dashed down that hallway. As she continued to run, an image flashed in front of her causing her to come to an abrupt stop sliding her heels into the rug. Her heart nearly leaped into her throat as she glanced around.

She blinked a few times as the image returned, and she gasped backing away. "It's you!"

Before her appeared the same woman as last night. The woman dressed in a white gown standing on ice with her bare feet.

Elsa balled her hands into fists and took a defiant step forward. "What do you want from me?"

Unexpectedly, the woman disappeared and reappeared inches away from Elsa's face.

Elsa's eyes popped open and her jaw dropped. She stared at the majestic woman before her. "Hello?"

The woman's soft face suddenly turned to hatred as she thrust her hands forward.

Elsa felt her icy hands on her shoulders as an unforeseen strong force rushed into her. She was lifted off her feet and flown several feet backwards. She skidded on her side until a wall broke her slide. Pain coursed through her back as she lifted her head.

She turned back where the woman once stood to find her gone. Elsa didn't like what was happening. This woman had proven twice now that she was hostile. Elsa needed to hurry and get out of here before she decided to come back.

She winced as she pushed herself upright, and used the wall behind her for support as she climbed to her feet. Her back ached, but she pushed the pain aside. She couldn't worry about herself now. She had to get to the boat.

She took off again on her run, though this time, unable to run as quickly from the shooting pain up her spine. Anna, please be there already.

She found the servants' corridors and snuck through the halls to the exit door just across the way from the docks. As she opened the door, she glanced around outside and once more inside before slipping through the small opening.

She turned to her left and gazed down the pathway to see her father and mother edging their way closer to the boat. She swiftly glanced between the barrels to the right and her parents. She had to get inside without being seen.

Someone stepped in front of her parents with a basket of flowers in her hand causing her parents to stop. They turned and apologized, allowing Elsa to seek the opportunity.

She quickly took off, looking back at her parents occasionally to make sure they weren't coming, before slipping a lid off one of the barrels, thankfully empty, and ducking inside. She sighed softly as she waited to see what would happen.

She hadn't seen Anna all morning. She prayed her sister had found her way to the barrel beside her, but she wasn't going to compromise her position, and possibly Anna's, to find out.

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