Chapter Sixteen

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ELSA WATCHED AS her ice scattered the forest, running into the trees and knocking soldiers from their feet. It was at that moment, as she pushed her ice to its limit, that she felt a strange presence surrounding her.

Her ears perked as that melodic soft voice returned. The one she had been chasing what seemed like so long ago. She glanced around searching for the source, but never let her powers waver, afraid that the Northern Isle Soldiers would be able to overcome her if she let down her guard.

The tune grew louder as she tried focusing her attack on the soldiers that advanced on her. Grimacing, she felt a spark of pain as something inside of her changed. Her anger grew into fury, and hatred boiled her blood.

She gritted her teeth as she swung her hand in an upward motion. Ice that had built up underneath several of the soldiers ascended into the air, lifting the men off their feet and flinging them into the distance.

Leaving her left hand down at her side, she made a fist and a wall of ice sprouted in front of the soldiers that surrounded her family. She thrust her fingers outward, pointing them towards the soldiers. As she did so, spikes exploded all around the ice wall impaling a few soldiers in their arms, legs, or waist. Many of them screamed out in agony, and some fell limp.

A grin tugged at the corner of Elsa's lips.

"Elsa! Elsa, stop!"

Her attention was drawn towards Anna as her sister slowly trudged up to Elsa's side, her hand blocking her face from the wind and leaves that stirred around from the blizzard Elsa had unknowingly created.

"Anna?" she whispered. As quickly as the anger rose, it diminished. Her hands slowly lowered as the ice stopped flowing and she panted from how much power she had forced on herself.

Anna shook her head. "What are you doing?" she asked, her eyes wide in terror.

"I..." Elsa trailed off as she glanced around. Bodies of the Northern Isle Soldiers lay in heaps while others fled in horror. She raised a shaking hand to her mouth as she gasped, tears pricking her eyes. She just killed dozens of men with a few swift motions. That wasn't like her. It wasn't her.

She had never felt that kind of anger before. Sure, she was furious with her parents, but she had never felt anything like the pure hatred she had just experienced. This was a different kind of anger. Not just the petty teenage anger. No. There was something different flooding through her veins. Something that made her feel like she didn't even know the person staring back at her through the reflection in the ice below her feet. "I..." She shook her head as she backed away, drawing her hands close to her chest.

"Elsa, listen to me."

Elsa flung her head to the left as Anna placed a hand on her shoulder. Fear gripped her tight. "No!" She flung her sister's hand off and stumbled back. Her right foot caught underneath her left and she tumbled to the ground on her rear, scooting backwards with her hands. "Don't touch me! Please," she whimpered.

Anna took a few slow steps closer. "Elsa, it's alright." She extended a hand inches in front of Elsa. "Please. I'm your sister. I can help y—"

"Stay back!" Elsa interrupted with a shout. Afraid of Anna touching her again, she thrust her hand forward to keep her away. Unexpectedly, she felt her magic course through her arm and flew from her fingertips before she knew what had happened. Her eyes shot open when Anna suddenly cried out.

Anna collapsed to her knees with a hand grasped tightly around a shard made from ice that protruded from her side.

"Anna!" Elsa yelled. She swiftly maneuvered her way to her knees and reached out to wrap Anna up before she tumbled, but suddenly stopped just inches from Anna's shoulders. Her heart raced rapidly against her ribcage. She had just lost control of her powers. Touching her sister again could cause her to hurt Anna more. If she were to lose control again, she could kill Anna. A lump formed in Elsa's throat. If she hadn't already.

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