Chapter Thirteen

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ANNA LET OUT an aggravated sigh as she quietly punched the ground. She had to think of a way to save her family, but charging in there at full speed would only get her captured along with them.    

A few moments of silence passed before Kristoff stooped down beside her and whispered, "Why are we hiding?"

She couldn't reply, but watched as her family was dragged deeper into the forest. She shuddered as she let the words fall off her tongue. "My family is being held hostage."

The air felt silent and cold. She looked at the scattered ice around the area and felt her heartbeat quicken. The sight frightened her. Was this what Elsa could do? Could this have been the power her sister possessed? Elsa had to be dangerous. Having this kind of power, she could overthrow anyone... or so Anna thought.

Anna slowly crept forward, keeping low.

"Where are you going?" Kristoff's voice rang once again. "If they find you they'll capture you too."

"I can't sit back and do nothing," she snapped. Why was he following her? He was just going to hold her back.

"Fine, but I'm coming too. I know these woods like the back of my hand." Within seconds, she felt his presence behind him.

Her heart skipped a beat. He didn't know her or her family, yet he wanted to help her save them. That was generous of him, but there had to be a catch.

She shook the feeling away as she cautiously advanced forward. Ice broke under her foot and she glanced down. Ice patches littered their surroundings like Elsa had just blasted waves of ice trying to save them. Maybe Elsa wasn't dangerous after all. She just wanted to protect her family. Unless, she was attacking Mama and Papa before the soldiers showed up to stop her.

"Winter looks beautiful when it's not used for destruction," she said out loud, staring at her cracked reflection below her feet.

She stepped carefully around the ice patches so she wouldn't accidentally trip on its slippery content, and paused before the body of a fallen Northern Isle's Soldier. She felt her heartbeat rapidly against her breast, wondering if this man had died in the ship wreck, or while he was trying to seize their ship.

Slowly bending down, she was afraid that this man would pop up and kill her instantly. She gripped the hilt of his sword and gently yanked it from its scabbard, the sound of metal scrapping filling her ears.

"What are you doing?"

"Shh!" Her hands shook. She didn't need Kristoff's voice in her head right now.

She straightened her knees, returning to her original height, and carried the weight of the heavy sword with her. She held the sword in her hand with the point facing the man below her. What little sunlight shone, rayed in through the dark clouds and glistened off the blade. It was smeared with blood. Clearly, the soldier hadn't had time to clean it before sheathing it.

"I think crimson would be a lovely color in winter!"

Anna nearly dropped the sword as she spun on her heels and faced Kristoff. The man was leaning against his reindeer as if he was waiting on her. "Did you say something?"

"Nope, not a word." Kristoff answered, a smile pulling at his lips. "How about you, Sven? Did you say anything?"

"I didn't hear anything," Kristoff continued with a very annoying higher tone as if imitating what the animal was thinking.

She gave him a furrowed brow before sighing. She turned back towards the path that her family had been towed down, the marks from their dragged bodies still fresh in the mud.

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