Chapter Fourteen

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Anna gazed past the tip of the spear as Kristoff rode into view. He hopped off Sven landing hard on his feet, his hands balled into fists as he stood tall and defensive.

The woman... Yelena?... turned towards him with narrowed eyes.

Anna took a step back, Olaf clinging to her leg, seeing Kristoff's glare and how blood thirsty he looked. Like he was willing to attack anyone who stood in his way. She couldn't suppress the thought that perhaps she had made a mistake in trusting him. The way he eyed Yelena... It was like this man had an inner darkness about him.

Yelena swung her spear and jabbed it inches in front of Kristoff's chest. "How do you know my name?"

Kristoff clenched his jaw as he inclined his head in pride. "Yelena, it's me. Kristoff."

"I thought that was you," Yelena's cold voice rang, "but I couldn't believe it."

He crossed his arms. "Princess Anna saved me."

The old woman swirled her head around towards Anna with a furrowed brow. "Princess? Who are you, girl? And what are you doing in the Enchanted Woods?"

Anna swallowed a forming lump in her throat as butterflies swirled in her stomach. Should she tell Yelena the truth or would that only make her situation worse? Would Kristoff let her die or would he step in and save her before this woman pierced her chest?

"I..." she mumbled. She cleared her throat. She couldn't appear weak. Not now. Kristoff spoke with such confidence. If he could do it, so could she.

She took a deep breath and puffed out her chest, her heart racing as she began to explain. "I am Princess Anna of Arendelle," she stated proudly. "My mother and father sailed here trying to help my sister. Our ship was attacked and the fog that surrounds this forest overpowered the ship. We were dumped here, most of our men dead."

Yelena smirked. "That's impossible. The fog is impenetrable."

"My sister, Elsa, made a pathway," Anna continued. "I don't know how, but she has some kind of power. Something that I don't understand, and it honestly frightens me. We became separated when Northern Isles Soldier's kidnapped my family. I need help rescuing them." She held her breath, awaiting the old woman's reply.

Yelena narrowed her eyes and tightened her grasp on the shaft of the spear. "Why should I believe anything you say? You could easily be saying whatever you want to save your own skin."

"If you don't trust her then trust me." Anna was surprised that Kristoff would back her up.

Yelena snorted. "You're supposed to be cursed for the rest of eternity for betraying your people. Why should I trust either of you? For all we know..." she turned back around and eyed Anna, "this girl is a witch. Unless you have some other explanation as to how your curse was broken?"

"Yelena, you have to listen to me," Kristoff continued, hurriedly, drawing Yelena's attention back to him. He glanced Anna's way briefly. "You didn't hear what I did. Anna had no idea I was able to hear her. What she poured out of her heart to that sculpture was genuine." His voice lowered. "She isn't here to do us any harm."

Yelena drew in a deep breath and gazed at Anna intensely for what seemed like minutes, but in reality, were mere seconds. "Alright." She removed her spear, flipped it around, and placed the smooth end on the ground with the pointed flint facing the sky. "But that still doesn't answer the question why you're here."

Anna wasn't sure what to say. Her parents never told her why they were coming, just that they hoped to find answers at Ahtohallan. Answers that she didn't know the question to, thanks to their many secrets. Though now, she had no doubt it had to be about Elsa. That look Papa had given Elsa in his office... That look spoke more than words ever could.

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