Chapter Three

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ELSA RUBBED HER hands up and down her shoulders as she stepped through the darkened hallway heading back towards the ballroom. She didn't know how to explain what had just happened. Who was that lady and what did she want with her?

She wasn't sure if she should tell Mama and Papa. They wouldn't understand or think she was crazy and made the story up. She was already afraid that she was losing her mind due to her powers, and now her parents would think so too. Telling her parents was too risky. She didn't want to be locked in a room away from Anna. No, she had to keep this to herself.

She jerked and stood up straight as the voice returned, beckoning her to follow it. She wrapped her hands around her ears and shook her head as she tried desperately to get the voice to leave.

"No," she whispered. "I won't go with you. I'm not looking for trouble. Everyone I could ever love is here. I won't lose them. I won't follow you. Anna needs me more than a forest."

The voice grew louder. She squatted down, her head between her legs, begging for the voice to leave her alone. "What do you want from me?" she shouted. She sprang to her feet, balling her hands into fists as condensation rolled off them, and shouted toward an open window. "Leave me alone!"

"Elsa, what is going on?"

Elsa flung her to the right as Mama stepped into the hallway. She frowned, lowering her head. So long for wanting to keep this a secret.

Mama gripped Elsa's hands gently and pulled her around facing her. "Is everything alright, Elsa? I was getting a little worried about you. You missed the dancers from Weselton. They were very good."

Elsa gave an uneasy smile. "I'm fine, Mama." She quickly tried coming up with an excuse to keep her mother from thinking she was going crazy. "I went to the roof for a breath of fresh air, and got attacked by a flock of birds." She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "They won't leave me alone now. I think they like my purple."

Mama glanced down at Elsa's hands, her eyes growing wide. Mama grasped her right arm and shoved her sleeve upward revealing a small cut that encircled around the front of her wrist. "A flock of birds did this?"

Elsa quickly withdrew her hand from her mother's death grip and pushed down her sleeve. She quickly slipped her gloves back on. "Yeah, they were feisty." She walked around Mama heading back towards the party. "Can we just go enjoy whatever amount of the party that's left? Please?"

"Elsa! What are you hiding from me?"

Elsa ignored Mama's voice as she crossed her arms and hung her head. Her and Mama never got along well. Not since after what had happened to Anna all those years ago. She knew that secretly Anna was her favorite, and after that day when they were children, Mama had become frightened of the power Elsa possessed... and Elsa found herself becoming more and more afraid of what she could do too.


Continuing to ignore her mother, Elsa stepped up the two steps into the Grand Hall where the party was still being held. She glanced around at those who danced around cheerfully, unable to locate her sister.

Anna, where are you? Even though she could never tell Anna what she had just seen, she needed her sister's comfort. At least she'd always have Anna. Even if Anna didn't know of her secret. Her sister was the only one she could trust. She moaned feeling the tension rise. She needed her sister. Where is she?

She took another quick glance around and relief flooded over her as Anna stepped through the opened double doors. Smiling, she took a step forward, but drew back with a gasp as her eyes landed on the man who followed her through the door, Anna's hand in his.

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