Chapter Twenty Nine

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ELSA TOOK OFF with Kristoff into the woods. She slid on her heels to a halt when Kristoff suddenly stopped. Looking behind, she found him grimacing and bending over with his hands on his knees. She furrowed her brow and walked over to him. "Are you alright?"

Through gritted teeth, he replied, "Never... better." After another minute, he stood up straight. "Come on, we're almost there." He took off walking and that's when Elsa finally noticed. The skin on his back was badly blistered and red.

Her mouth dropped as she silently gasped. "Oh, Kristoff! What happened?"

He stopped moving and clenched his fists. Refusing to turn around, he answered, "I got in your sister's way." He continued on without another word.

Her heart ached for him. He was in so much pain because of Anna. But Anna wouldn't do something like that. Not the real Anna anyway. Elsa balled her hands. She had to save Anna before the elements consumed her.

She followed Kristoff until they arrived at a clearing. When he stopped, she furrowed her brow wondering where they were going.

Something moved out of the corner of her eye. She glanced in that direction to find Olaf wobbling out of the bushes. A smile spread from ear to ear. "Olaf!"

"Elsa!" He ran to her. From behind him, stepping out of the brush, was Yelena.

Elsa was shocked. "Yelena? What are you doing here? I didn't see you at the village. I thought Hans had you tied up somewhere."

Yelena snarled. "Hans did nothing to me. It was all Anna." She stepped up beside Kristoff. "If this guy hadn't found me in time, that root would've broken and I would be dead right now."

Elsa placed her hands on her head as grief overwhelmed her. Both Kristoff and Yelena had been victims of Anna's powers. She hated herself for not staying behind and protecting her sister. That's the role of an older sibling and she failed miserably.

She looked down to find Olaf clinging to her leg. "With you being the fifth spirit now, I don't ever have to leave your side." He looked up at her. "I'll help you master and control your powers."

"With you as the fifth spirit..." She looked up to find Kristoff speaking. "What about Aloni? Is she...?" He didn't finish.

Elsa knew what he was trying to say and shook her head. "She's alive but Hans and Anna have her."

His frown deepened. "They'll kill her," he whispered.

"You need to learn control over the element," Yelena began, "Before it's too late. The moment they realize you're gone, they'll call you back. You don't have much time."

Elsa nodded. "You're right." She sat down, her legs crossed and stared at Olaf. "Olaf, what do I do? How can I be in control?"

Olaf grinned. "It's simple. You have to believe in yourself." Elsa furrowed her brow. "You've always been afraid of your power. Afraid of the monster that you would become, or that your parents made you out to be. Afraid of hurting someone like you did Anna all those years ago." He laid a stick hand on her shoulder. "You can't be afraid of who you are. In order to control the element, and not it you, you must embrace who you were born to be."

Elsa gazed at her hands. She hadn't even realized that in her fear, her fingertips had frosted over. She thought she had embraced who she was already, but she realized that that wasn't enough. That there was still a hint of her inside that really thought she was still a monster.

She balled her hands and looked up at Olaf with a smile. "You're right." She closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath before slowly letting it out. "I'm not going to let my powers control me. I'm the master now."

Opening her eyes, she looked down and found the frost on her fingertips melt away and she eyed Olaf. "Hans is going to learn that he can't control me. Only I am the master of the fifth element."

"Yeah!" Olaf jumped up and down. "Let's go kick some royal heinie!"

Elsa giggled as she sprang to her feet. She glanced between Kristoff and Yelena. "I'm not asking you to join me. In fact, I want you to stay somewhere where you'll be safe." She eyed Kristoff and smiled. "I'll bring Aloni home."

Kristoff grinned as he took a step forward. "I appreciate that, Elsa, but I'm coming with you. I have to find my sister. Even after everything she did, she is still my world."

Elsa smiled and nodded. She knew she wasn't going to keep him from following her anyway.

"I'm coming too!" Yelena stood tall. "They imprisoned my people. I cannot sit by as they suffer."

"Alright, then let's go." Elsa took off in a sprint back in the direction they came.

She felt a sudden draw. Like a calling telling her to turn directions. She hesitated but followed her gut feeling and the others followed behind her. She broke through a tree line and arrived at the frozen waterfall she had first appeared at after Ahtohallan. She narrowed her eyes at the sight of Anna standing before them in front of the fall with Mama and Papa kneeling in front of her.

She snarled and her fists burst into flames. "You're both still alive?"

Elsa glanced to her right from the corner of her eye at Kristoff and Yelena. She smirked. "Guess you're not as good at killing people as you want to be."

Anna narrowed her eyes. "I'll show you!" She reared back her fists that were blazing.

Elsa knew immediately that she was going to kill her parents. With and outstretched arm, she cried, "No!"

"Anna," came a melodic voice. Hans stepped from the trees but he wasn't alone. He dragged a woman along with him who didn't put up much of a fight.

"Aloni!" Kristoff shouted.

"Your orders were to keep them from escaping. Not kill them." Hans grinned at Elsa. "That's Elsa's job."

"I will never do it!" Elsa shouted, angrily. She smirked. "I have full control now. You'll never get what you want so just let them go."

Hans sighed as he shoved Aloni forward. "Yes, yes. I see you've overcome the element. Very good. But you'll still do as I want."

Elsa crossed her arms. "And why is that?"

"Because if you don't..." Hans pushed Aloni onto her knees beside Mama and Papa. In one swift movement, he withdrew a sword from its scabbard at his hip. "I'll kill Anna." Elsa gasped. "You choose. Will it be your parents? Or your beloved sister?"

Even with the tip aimed at Anna, she didn't seem phased. Like she knew all along Hans' real plan and wasn't bothered at all by the thought of her fiancé killing her.

She flung her arms down to the side and clenched her hands; they shook from the amount of rage that built. "I will never let you hurt my family!" She reared back an arm and a snowball formed in her hand; she had learned this trick from Aloni. Thrusting her hand forward, the snow turned solid into thick ice.

"No!" Anna suddenly jumped in front of Hans. The ball, now ice, slammed into her shoulder. The force swung her around and she landed on the ground, smacking her palms against the grass.

"Anna!" Elsa took a step forward with an outstretched hand, worry on her face. Anna was such an idiot! Elsa wasn't trying to hurt her. Hans's control over her was too strong.

Anna growled as she stared at the ground and Hans knelt down beside her. "Here's that chance for your one on one battle, Anna," he said.

Glaring at Elsa, Anna slowly rose to her feet. She held her hands out, palms up, at waist length. A flame danced on one hand as a shard of ice formed in the other.

"Anna, wait!" Elsa shouted, holding her hands out defensively. "I don't want to fight you."

Anna smirked. "Oh, but I do want to fight you." Taking a step forward, she slammed her boot into the ground and the earth below them immediately began to quake.

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