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Pipers POV

Boo was being so nice to me taking me under her wing and making sure I settled in okay, I was currently being starved out as I insulted Reds cooking!

Boo was feeding me which caused friction between her and red and soon red was going to start starving her to! I couldn't deal with that so I went down to the kitchen to talk to Red.

"I am sorry Red I didn't mean to insult your food I was trying to relate to everybody"

"I can't do shit with I'm sorry"

I walked away down trodden I decided to try and find something red wants I walk down to the library and find Alex talking to boo it seems like a heated argument, I slip behind a a book case so that I can hear them talking.

"Are you sleeping with Chapman Boo?"

"Maybe I am and maybe I am waiting for her to come to me"

"Fuck off Boo and leave Chapman alone!"

"No Vause I will not leave Chapman alone you don't want her so why are you trying to make it so nobody else can let it go Vause"

Alex shoved Boo who then smacked Alex in the face, Inmate to the Shu and with that Boo was dragged away.

I wanted to check on Alex but I couldn't move, does this mean Alex still loves me or is she just trying to isolate me I am so confused. Damn you Alex why can't you just tell me how you feel!

I shoved the book case in anger and I walked out to find Alex we have to talk about this!

I also need to find a way to get fed as well, who knew it would be so complicated in here!

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