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Alex POV,
I have been watching Stella seeing what is so special about her, I go and see Piper later I will talk to her about it later I should really stop worrying!

**At the hospital**

I am sat on the bed stroking Pipers hair and talking to her belly
"You are a very loved Tadpole you will be the stylish baby of Litchfield, because mummy P here took forever to come and find mummy A"
"You are such a goof Al"
"But I am your goof and I have something to ask who the hell is Stella and did you date?'
"Shit yes we dated in between you and Larry we dated she still loved her ex, she tried to contact me while I was with Larry but I ignored her. She could be a bit crazy like once she tried to take me out and we ended up in jail, as she punched this man for looking at me "Funny".
Shit Pipes shes in Litchfield running her mouth about how she was with you and she wants you back!"
Piper pulled me close to her put one of my hands on her belly and the other on her heart "Al please don't panic about this or overthink I love you we have this Tadpole please I can handle Stella"
I lean into pipers neck and she moans softly "I heart you Pipes and I trust you"


Sorry if this is shit I am having a bad time me and this girl I was seeing doesn't know if she wants a relationship so am waiting on her I know what I want to do with this story I am not abandoning it just bare with me (: also thank you for all the amazing feedback its really cheers me up (:

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