Boo and pregnant?

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Pipers POV,

It's been a few weeks since Alex was well enough to come back to camp, we have been sharing everything and making up for the last ten years. Today in electric all I have been doing is throwing up. I think may need to see the doctor when he is next in camp. I also heard Boo was coming out of SHU, wonder if Alex was right and she really did have feelings for me how is she going to take me and Alex being together? This reminds me of that one time in a bar where Alex nearly punched this woman's lights out for harassing me.


I was paying for are drinks when this leggy red head came up next to me and started making pleasant conversation Alex was in the toilet.

"Hi do you come here often she said"

"Not really my girlfriends friend is in the show here"

"That's a shame your taken I have been watching you all night thought that raven haired girl was your friend"

Little did I know Alex was a few paces behind me and starting listening in, The redhead leaned into my ear and whispered "Leave your girlfriend and lets go back to my place", before I could even respond Alex had completely floored her. "Are you chatting my girlfriend up shes not interested now fuck off before I break your nose"

Flashback ends

I saw Boo walking down the hall she looked thinner and a bit worse for wear, she clocked me and came up to me.

"Piper how are you long time no see"

"I am good Boo I am sorry if I led you on but me and Alex have sort of gotten together"

"No problem Piper, Red set it up to try and get you and Vause together, still friends?"


God damn Red she was a smart cookie think I am going to have to watch her more closely, the camp doctor came in today so I went off to see him.

"Miss Chapman how are you today? What can I do for you?"

"Umm well I have been throwing up most mornings and feeling tired and my breasts feel tender"

"I will have a look when was the last time you and your fiance had sex?"

"A week before I came in here, could I be pregnant?!"

"It is a possibility miss Chapman"

He handed me the stick and I went and peed onto it and that's when it came up as positive, what am I going to do I am pregnant with Larry's baby! How will Alex take this we only recently got back together is she going to run out on me!

The doctor began talking to me about options and that the warden would have to be notified and that there would have to be an official meeting. To see if I could keep my baby with me in prison or if Polly or my mom and dad could take custody of the baby, or even Larry I didn't want him anywhere near this baby I wanted to raise it with Alex!

I went to find Alex in laundry and felt sick about telling her I started crying.

"Whats up Pipes" she whispered in my ear, I felt immediately more calm and began to tell her.

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