I always fuck up!

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Pipers POV,

I ran I had never run so fast did I love Larry? Did I love Alex? What can larry give me, a stable home kids maybe a nice quite life? Alex god she can give me excitement adventure fun and laughs! This is stupid I love Alex I have to go back I need to tell her this!

I ran back to Alex's bunk she wasn't there I went to the TV room she wasn't there either, She wasn't at the track! I didn't think there where many places to hide in Linchfield guess I was wrong.

Alex POV,

I was twirling the silver foil in my fingers god heroin it was the best girlfriend I had ever had, I feel vulnerable me Alex fucking Vause sat here in the toilet with this ball of heroin. I took the hit I knew I would feel better soon I just knew it. I slipped into a black abyss the warmth of the darkness washing all over me.

Pipers POV,

It was after dinner they where doing the counts I couldn't find Alex after dinner either. That's when I saw a stretcher and the beautiful black hair flowing over the side. I ran towards them screaming blood pounding in my ears.



Porn-stash grabbed me holding me back

"Inmate get back in line! Don't make me give you a shot!"

I didn't care I pushed as hard as I could


He threw me against the wall and my breathing became shallow all I could think about was how selfish I had been. Please make sure she is alright I pray she is alright and I don't even believe in god, I will never take advantage of her love again! Fuck Larry fuck fuck I always fuck up. That's when the tears started falling slowly then all at once.

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