Slash Happy

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Alex's POV 

I am out of the SHU as I am let out I run as fast as I can to my bunk I can't wait to kiss and see Pipes and tadpole kicking. I have already sorted out how I am going to propose but will need a bit of help! I run but stop dead in my tracks I watch Stella enter are cube, I decide to be nosy and listen in. 

"Piper I know you miss Alex but I know that there is something between us" 

I hear Pipers reaction to this and the blood in my veins runs cold. 

"I know there is something but I don't know if that is just because I miss Alex's so much"

I then burst in and grab Piper in my arms and spin her around, "Pipes I am right here I just heard what you and Stella where talking about, I am as mad as hell at Stella for trying to use you when you where vulnerable." 

"Alex...I how did they let you out?!"

"Good behavior and Beths arrival is today remember me telling you god I missed you!"

I kiss her hard and feel the tears stream down her face "How did I ever doubt my love for you never again"

I shoot Stella a cold stare continuing to soothe Piper, "Inmates your new Arrivals Bethany Attawood, Sylvia Davis & Lauren Littlewood. 

SYLVIA!! WTF my head screams Piper throws me a look of horror and chill in her eyes, "Hello Alex long time no see" The words cut me like a knife, fuck what if she tells Piper we got back together the night Pipes left! Fuck! 

Sylvia walks past and goes and meets with her new bunkie which happens to be Beth I haven't seen her in so long she looks hardened.   A big scar across her face which makes her blue eyes stand out from her pasty skin, she still has the infamous black hair. She almost looks like a model I will have to grab her at dinner. I look back at Stella who pulls a knife out and slashes my side. 

"What the fuck I am bleeding!?! Stella why!" Piper has run to the bathroom I am glad she isn't here to see this!

"Vause I have been sent here to make your life fucking hell and I will do that by taking everything away from you"

I am now on the floor the pain and shock and adrenaline have kicked in, Stella then spits on me and kicks me and slashes me again. 

Oh shit I am going to die I hear footsteps of the guard and then nothing but silence I slip into a dark and cold place am I dead?   

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