Baby Blues

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Alex POV, 

Piper starting showing recently it is such an amazing sight to see her start to show growing are little tadpole, they still have her working which is annoying but she wants to! 

Stella has also been rather strange always watching me and Piper I mean she even changed work assignments to be with Piper I wonder what she is planning? Would Piper really cheat on me?


"Alex!! Can you wait just a second!"

"I can't believe you kissed that man!"

"It was a mistake!"

We where having a really nice time at a friends BBQ and then I walked in on Piper and Frank smacking lips, fuck sake Vause why are you letting this woman into you heart if she treats you like this? I pounded the pavement and pulled out the front door key and slammed it in Pipers face.  I started to pack her shit into a bag which I threw out the window. 

"Just fuck off Piper I mean it!"

*End of flashback*

I push the memory to the back of my mind we where just kids then early days I know Pipes wouldn't cheat on me not after all we had been through! We where soon to have the baby scan this afternoon I am so excited I swear this kid is making me soft! 

I had the afternoon off from my work duty so I cleaned the bunk me and Piper shared and stuck a mars bar on her pillow, she has been craving these dipped in peanut butter! Red has been supplying the peanut butter the rest of the family the mars bars! Soso seems to have given us the most mars bars! 

I lay down on my bunk looking at the ceiling and drift into a relaxing mode until my ugly swirling black 

Piper POV,

I ran into the bunk that I share with Alex really excited because we find out the baby's Sex today! If its a boy the name we picked was Nathan Daniel Vause! 

I see Alex is fast asleep the lazy woman I can hear her softly mumble to herself 

"Don't leave me Pipes don't not for Stella not like that BBQ"

Frank I had completely forgotten about that night maybe she is linking this to Stella! 

"Al Frank was a mistake I was rebelling at you leaving me for your drug runs for months at a time, It hurt me every time you left for months and I couldn't get hold of you I assumed the worst." 

Alex's eyelashes flutter open and I leave a small kiss on her lips she pulls me closer and deepens the kiss as she does this my belly kicks it excitement, I look at the suprise and shock on Alex's face. 

"Was that are Tadpole Pipes" 

"Yes Alex it is are Tadpole I think it agrees to kisses!"

"It better not it will not be having them type of kisses till their 39"

I throw my head back and laugh come on Al lets go and get this scan and find out what the sex is of are little Tadpole here. 

Nicky POV, 

"Rachel we shouldn't be doing this" 

"Oh don't be such a stick in the mud you want to hear from your friends in min don't you" 

We had been allowed are  time outside and there is a wall with letters from min and there are some for me and the other girls, I have the beauty of standing guard while Rachel digs around. Truth be told I am only interested in hearing about Vause and Chapman's baby. I also miss Morello and Red something chronic, me and Rachel had been dancing around the fact that we still may have a spark! I don't know what to do with it as Rachel comes back and shoves 4 letters into my hands from Chapman Vause Red and Morello. I stuff them in my pocket I will read them later and reply now its back inside to my job in electrical good thing I know what to do so I can just chill and look busy 


Thanks for the feedback guys have been having some hard times recently and the votes and comments mean so much didn't think this would be as successful as  it has come so I need some help 

Vote for the babys sex

Boy Or Girl 

Also for Nicky Morello or more flashbacks with Rachel and a possible relationship?

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