Stella Vs Alex

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Piper POV, 

"Stella it is a baby girl thank you for asking." "Anytime Chapman it's nice to see that you are making a decent life for yourself." 

I leaned against the wall hoping that my bump would stop her coming any closer "I know that you and Vause are a couple and that is amazing but I miss you." Stella reached over and touched my bump what happened next was a blur, Alex had Stella against the wall and was shouting "Do Not touch my wife or my kid do you understand!"

Four guards started dragging Alex off of Stella "Alex" I shouted and ran after the guards I could feel the blood drum in my ears, Shu they are taking Alex to the shu! Why why fucking Stella. Boo came up and picked me up the score lingered in the air Vause 0 Stella 1. All I wanted to do was cry and pray Alex comes back soon, Stella slipped into my bunk and begun spooning me "Shh Piper sleep". I didn't have the strength to move her I fell asleep in her arms wishing they where somebody else. 

Alex POV, 

Fucking Shu I had also heard some news that Piper had slept with Stella in the same bed the fucking bitch! I know she's pregnant and vulnerable but I know what game that little cunt is playing. I am so pissed off at Piper this baby this relationship maybe I am just not ready for it. I then remember the  fear of bringing Piper to meet my mom.


I pull up to my Moms house she has recently been staying at the local trailer park she loves this old trailer! I am so nervous I stop the car and press my head against the steering wheel. I then I hear the warmth of my beautiful Girlfriend of 6 months "Al I know this is a big step with you I am honored to be the first girl you have ever bought home so lets go." "I heart you Pipes I am just telling you that before you run!" "I am not running I haven't got the right shoes on" I playfully punch Piper in the arm jumping out of the car to open the door for Piper "Show time kid here we go" I say much braver then I feel and a quick kiss on Pipers temple.  

"Welcome to the Vause base Pipes" I lifted are bags into my Moms front room I heard my Mom come through from the kitchen going straight towards Piper "So this is the girl that has stolen my Darling daughters heart! Your more beautiful then she said!" Mom then walked to me and gave me a hug and kiss. "Well you two make yourself at home Piper I am sure Alex will give you the grand tour" I jumped up and took Pipers hand and took her to my bedroom still like it was when I left it. Bike posters and Avenge sevenfold Nickleback, Evanescence I had concert tickets stuck everywhere a lot of clutter! I watched Piper take it all in "Aw  Al you where such a rock chick what happened?" 

"I still am Piper you have heard my iPod well there is a bathroom just down the hall, I am so glad you are the first girl I have ever bought home you know you are really sexy" I push Piper onto the bed and kiss her hard while my hands trail down her touching her in all sorts of spots a moan escapes Pipers lips. Shh baby I haven't even done anything yet with that my hand travels into her jeans. "Alex I need you downstairs" Damn it Mom I curse under my breath and quickly kiss Pipers lips "Later baby" I say with a wink. 

I rush downstairs "Mom what do you need help with?" I see her standing at the kitchen counter and look at the half ready Cherry pie, I smile my Mom wants to talk and the cherry pie excuse is her favorite excuse! 

"That one is a keeper Alex do not let her go I have not seen you smile like this in years!" 

"Aw Mom cut it out I don't plan on letting her go in fact I plan to ask her to Marry me next month, I just wanted Mama Vauses approval and of course the man of the house's approval where is Henry anyway?"

"Oh my god Alex I approve just by your smiles and the man of the house is currently at Justin's in there undercover den he should be back by 6" 

*End of Flashback*

I smile at the memory I wonder where my kid brother is now? I hope my auntie Tracy was awarded custody and not the state. I plan to take care of him after this prison stint me him and Pipes and Riley.  I can't be mad at Piper for Stella I know I am the girl she loves but why have I got this niggling doubt I push it down into my memory and fall asleep all I can see is my happy future with Piper, I will fight for Piper if I have to I know what we have is true complicated passionate love!


Surprise two chapters I am on a roll I am getting over my break up slowly! So Boom some cute Vauseman flashbacks! Follow me on instagram rubydream95 I post a lot of OITNB stuff as well as gaming! 

Thanks for the feedback I love comments and votes they make my day!

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