Chapter One

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WayV will be back here in Korea, a possible comeback for the whole unit is possible, pack your things and we will move to your new house and also Taeyong don't forget for a head count!” all of them just nodded, the older members assisting the younger members to their things, the other members went to cook so they can eat before they hit the road

Jisung can you come and tell Shotaro that I need him here?” the youngest nodded, he ran to the second floor to get his other older member but acts like his younger brother sometimes,  “Taro, Doyoung hyung ask for you in the kitchen“ the mentioned member look up to the youngest and gave a bright smile, “Okay I will get down now, I'll be right back Renjun!” the youngest can't help but just shook his head at his hyung

He just go back down to see his other hyungs playing at the living room, his Jeno and Jaemin hyung sprawled at the floor both asleep, Jaehyun hyung, Renjun hyung asked for you” the older knitted his eyebrows, why would Renjun ask for him when he just sent a message to the younger, “oh? Okay then take this seat of mine I'll just go to Renjunhe nodded innocently, when his Jaehyun hyung already out of sight he let out his devilish grin, “prepare your butts hyung, I will kick all of it” Haechan just nodded at him knowing what the youngest did

“Hey all of you prepare the table” the leader said making everyone got up, no one can disobey him even the tallest member except the eldest, Taeil's word is a law and everyone should obey

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

“Yang are your things already packed?” the leader asked, the youngest member just nodded at him, he can see how tense his other members ever since its announced that they can go back to Korea and their album both full and repackage went successful, a world tour also successful, “Ten did you start packing your things?” the Thai member just shook his head, he looks so down and out of it, “You need to pack it now since we will leave early in the morning tomorrow, how about yours Hendery? Dejun?” the two just gave a thumbs up, the eldest goes back to whatever he is cooking while the others went silent, not knowing what they should say to the other three who's more nervous than them

“Why you guys making that face? We should be happy that we're going back tomorrow!” the tallest, Lucas, said making the others let out a smile, he is really the life of their group, “Lucas is right, we will get to see them again and a possibility of having a full comeback with the whole group and they added new members last time so I guess this comeback will be full of fun” the leader butt in when he place the dishes he cook earlier, “New members? Then how many?” Hendery asked, he always does because he is built like that, “Well I guess two? So we will be 23 in a possible comeback, it will be a huge one” they all nodded, they still remember last 2018, the comeback that the whole group participated and the last one they did, its been two years almost three

“I can't wait to see them again, I remember Jisung is smaller than me by four centimeters last time, I grew about 10 centimeters since then so I guess I am still taller than him” the maknae, Yangyang stated, he still remember seeing the youngest member of NCT playing around with the other members, he kinda envy him since he debuted first but he also understand it since the younger started his training period at the age of 9, too young to start practicing

“You won't know, Jisung is still young that time for sure puberty hits him hard” the youngest just brush that comment from his Ten-ge, he still believes that he will be taller than Jisung, Hyung you're just jealous since I'm taller than you” the older who didn't expected that remark got shock, “Yah, I'm still older than you and you're still a baby” the youngest just gave him a boo sound, the leader just need to stop them so they can eat peacefully

The dinner went well, the other members already went to their rooms to get some rest before the morning flight, leaving Ten packing his things and Kun help I'm him, “Ten, what do you feel?” he doesn't want to ask but he needs to know since even tho he's close with the younger, it's still hard for him to read him like the other members, Ten acts like he is an open book that anyone can read however he is far from that, he is hard to read like how hard it is to know, “I feel fine, like what you've said we should be happy” the older now gave him a pitiful look, “I said that to at least lift your moods but I didn't said that so you can act like everything is fine, You know you can tell me right?” the younger stop what he is doing and look at the his friend

“I know that Kunkun but I still feel nervous since I will see him again, I'm not sure how he is and I'm afraid that he still hates me” the leader now knows that his friend needs a friend right now not a leader or a member, Qinqin, you don't need to worry, I'm sure now he understand your choices” his friend just gave a little smile, “Did he really? I want him to understand me, I miss him so much Kunkunhe just engulfed him in a hug, he doesn't want to see his friend crying but he can't do anything, the decision of his friends is supported by them but it doesn't mean they agree with it since Sicheng and Yuta decided to continue but the busy situation, frustration and angry words thrown to each other, they also broke up. Those times it's so hard for them to continue but they still did, looking all bright and happy at the morning but still dying whenever the camera and lights turn off

“Everything will be alright, we will always stay by your side, we're family right? We will always support you no matter what happens Qinqinthe younger just sob silently at his friends arm, he can't control it anymore, everything is so hard for him and he doesn't know what to do anymore, he doesn't know how to react when he see him again, is Johnny doing fine? Did he moved on already?

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