Chapter Two

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"Kids wake up, the breakfast is ready!" in a minute everyone gathered in their huge dining hall, they can't fit 16 people in a regular one and they surely won't fit a whole 23 people in it so the company really got a huge house with a huge dining hall and a kitchen, "I want the house clean before 9 am strike so finish your food and clean your rooms and the living room so we can relax afterwards" Taeyong announced while he puts the breakfast they cook in the table, you can hear some grunts from the members and a giggle from Shotaro, "Taeil hyung do you want me to guide the 00 liner?" Haechan said with his aegyo voice that made the eldest put a sickening sweet smile at him and said, "I will rather put Jaemin in charge rather than put you" making the younger pout and Jaemin smile widely, "In other words, we can trust Jaemin which is younger than you to do the guiding" Doyoung second said, making the younger frown deeper, he can't believe that his favorite hyung and his least favorite hyung is teaming up against him, "Johnny hyung what can you say?" the mentioned hyung just shook his head in disapproval, "This time I can say Doyoung and Illie baby is right" he fake cry and hug Mark, in Chenle's dictionary he is just making up excuses to hug the older

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

"Yes we're finally done! How come I clean half of the kitchen, my room, my parents room while Shotaro and Jisung just clean their rooms and give foods? That's unfair!" Haechan's voice rang to the whole living room making the other laugh at him, "Do you want my son to work? He is the maknae and Shotaro is a baby!" Jaemin stated, he is the culprit of Haechan suffering by the way, while Renjun is the right hand since he is older than Jaemin, "I am so tired, Taro get me some juice" the mentioned member just giggle at his hyung but gave another sweet smile, "Nah, Renjun said you can do it yourself and Yuta-san won't allow me" Renjun, the man behind what Shotaro said just gave a devilish laugh, "I am older than you" Haechan said making the younger just stand up, he got his hopes up but it crumbles when the Japanese member just changed seat and sit with his Yuta-san

"Everyone is so cruel to me today!" he fake cry but stopped when he feel a cold bottle in his arm, he look up and saw Mark giving him one making him sat up straight and smile cutely, "Except my Mel!" everyone can agree that Mark is whipped for him, Taeil and Johnny just shrugged at it since finally they can rest without Haechan whining every minute, they rest for a while and since Shotaro is an angel he gave them the ice cream he made last night, he also made cookies that taste like 50% chocolate and 50% sugar, so sweet but they don't have heart to say it to the Japanese one who said he stayed until 3 am to finish everything

Half a minute past and they're still eating when they hear a knock from the door, they already know who it is, Shotaro coming from the bathroom took the opportunity to open it since he got a go from his Taeyong hyung, "Hi" he awkwardly said and gave a eye smile, "Are you WayV friends? Come in, you must be tired from traveling, does China have different time zone or just tired from airplanes? Jet lag? Come in, let me carry one bag! Taeyong hyung WayV friends is here!" the new comers too stunned to speak but they follow the one who greeted them, Kun can't help but smile, he is a new member maybe

"Oh sit down, give them space so they can take a sit, you must be tired from traveling and airport, do you want to eat or do you want to rest for a while? Me, Doyoung and Taeil hyung cooked earlier, we also clean your rooms so if ever you can rest" they can't help but feel at ease knowing Taeyong hasn't changed even a bit, he still cares for them

"Are you guys feeling hot? I made ice cream but I made a special one for you! I also made some brownies, I prepare them last night, I will get it!" they look at the member who run to the kitchen "Sho be careful!" shout by Yuta who follows him to the kitchen, Sicheng can just look at his man, "Oh he is Shotaro he joined last year and he is with Sungchan, that tall one beside Haechan" the mention member just gave an awkward smile and a nod, "You seem so awkward, don't be, we're not use seeing you guys so reserved, how's China? I heard from the management that you did great with the promotion and don't leak this but I listened to your songs everything is a bop, Sicheng also shined my lovely Sicheng" Taeyong cooed at the silent member who just blush in return

"China is still China and everything did great, Sicheng can't believe that he did great at the song so we always encourage him" Kun started and everything just go smoothly, asking questions here and there until Shotaro and Yuta came back, "Here! I search you guys in the internet since the company won't let me see your profiles, I tried to draw you in the cookie and the brownies, I wish you like it" they look at the cookies and yeah, it shown that he really tried to draw the members and write their letters in Chinese, its not perfect but still readable, Sicheng gets the brownies who have a note in the top to break it open so he did, there's a note in the middle saying, "for our hyung who did great oversees, we always cheer for you! :)" he can't help but smile at it

"Oh, the ice cream taste so sweet, too much sugar" everyone stopped and look at Ten who put the ice cream away, he feels the intense glare from his WayV members and a mood drop of the member who made it, "Oh! don't worry it taste great but I'm just not into too much sugar ever since I am a child, thank you Shotaro for making this, we never meet you before but you already gave us something" the Japanese smile at him, "We never met but the other members always talk about you guys and it feels like I am so close with you already" the other members can't help but feel a little at ease with that

"John can you stir the soup in the kitchen, I'll just change my clothes since I accidentally squish the catsup too hard it stains" the mention guy nodded, he got up from his seat and went to the kitchen, Ten can't help but look at him, other than his body frame grew larger and his face now more prominent and sharp, nothing really changed with his ex lover

"Do you guys need help with cooking? I can give a han" says by Kun but Taeyong quickly brush it off, "Nah we can manage it, you just go and rest also we have assistance, there is Johnny and Yuta who quickly follows the order of -" he quickly stop since he realize that Sicheng and Ten is looking at him, "I mean you just go rest, Jaehyun and Woo can you accompany them to their room so they can settle down and rest before we finish making their foods? For sure Doyoung added some dish" the members quickly agreed to also ease the tension, Jungwoo help Kun and Yangyang since they're roommates, Lucas can just look at him longingly

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