Chapter Eleven

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Everyone is now resting at the pool or at the chairs, some of them really don't like going into the water since they don't really want to change clothes and the others just don't want to get wet

“Kun ge join us!”  said by Lucas, he's with the other members who's enjoying the water, they're wearing swim trunks, the other wearing rush guards and the others just short and plain white t-shirts,  “Nah, I don't want to get wet!” Yangyang let out a loud laugh making Kun glare at him, “that is the exact reason why we're enjoying here in the pool ge” the 00 liner said but Kun just shook his head

“still no, I'll just enjoy sunbathing here, go and enjoy yourselves” the other WayV members just left him, they know that Kun won't really budge and accept their offer and besides there's also a lot of members who doesn't want to go in the water, such examples are Renjun, who wants to just read a book at the corner, he's enjoying his break without anyone in his radius, Jaemin, who really just don't want to change his clothes, Jisung that found his phone more interesting than deal with the humans aka his members, Doyoung who fell asleep, he's still tired he said and Yuta just left him sleep and well, Kun

After some minutes Kun saw that his juice is empty, he can't ask the other members since they're enjoying their time in the pool, some playing and some just hanging at the side, he decided to get it and for some reason the table for their drinks and foods is in the other part, so he needs to walk to the other side just to get a refill of his juice, since he can't do anything about it he just walk at the great distance between the pool and the pavement, he's making sure that he is walking slowly and he won't slip because he doesn't really want to go to the water or to get wet in general

After a couple of minutes he finally got a refill of his juice when he heard his name being called and when he look back it's Yangyang, “Gege I also want juice!” he look at Yangyang and his distance, it's also wuite a walk and it won't hurt to give his younger member a juice since he's already near here, “Wait a minute!” the younger then shouted a yes, he get an extra glass for Yangyang, he is walking slowly to Yangyang and when he finally reached the side Yangyang came and get the glass at him, “wait for the glass ge I will drink this in one go” the older then nodded, the glass may break if he let's it near the pool, so when Yangyang is still drinking he look around to the others

He can see them laughing and having fun together, he can also see that Hendery and Haechan is teaming up against the others, Shotaro is just standing at the side of the pool and having a time of his life to just laugh at their bickerings, “I'm done! Thanks ge!” he took the glasses from Yangyang, he got up from his seat and when he turn around he didn't know that someone is also walking to him and they both got shock, Kun feeling himself imbalanced and he can't hold to anything, the other person, who he learned to be Jisung who's also holding a glass of juice just stand there with a shock face, in less than a minute Kun can feel himself getting wet but he can also feel someone catching him

He is now soaked and the glass in his hand is gone, and he's not opening his eyes because he knows that he's near with a person who's holding his waist and him holding it's neck for support, “Kun hyung I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!” he heard Jisung, his voice is full of worry, Kun can't really open his eyes because of the waters in it so he detached one of his hands from the hold and wipe his face, he gasped when he can finally open his eyes, he backed away but panicked because he can't really reach the floor of the pool good thing that the person holding him pulled him by his waist

“Be careful” he can't help, he knows he's blushing but he can just blame it to the sun, he can feel that the other members blurring and he can only hear his heartbeat, it's beating faster than he wants

“Kun are you okay?” he heard Taeyong asked, he nodded and he gestured that he wants to go to the side of the pool so he can leave already, “John can you help Kun go to the side? I think he really needs to get out of the water” Doyoung said who woken up by the happening, Johnny, the one who caught Kun and the person who's holding his waist now, nodded he hold Kun's waist tighter and slowly swam to the side where they can both go out of the water, by Taeyong and Doyoung's help Kun finally left the pool

“too much for not getting wet” Hendery said jokingly who earned a slap at his head by Dejun,  “I will just change my clothes” the others nodded at him but before he can fully walk away he can feel that someone stop him by grabbing his hand, he looks back to see it's Johnny, in his glory who's not wearing a shirt and only a swim trunks, he knows that the older has a great body but seeing him like this makes Kun blush

“let me come with you since I also want to change my clothes and I guess you'll need towel to enter the house since we don't want you to slip” he handed Kun a towel and the younger just nodded, he got the towel and walk before Johnny while the taller walk behind him who's also drying himself with the towel

“I wish he's just changing his clothes not his boyfriend” was heard by Jaemin who rolled his eyes and go back to where he's sitted earlier, everyone look at Taeil who just shrugged at what Jaemin says

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