Say The Name

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The meeting goes on, they went through each song and pick carefully, until Kun's presentation where the head praised him because of the song that he composed, “What's the story behind this song?, This is the first time I heard this kind of song that you made” one of the head said making them look at Kun smiling but the other one just looking all serious, “Well I just think that it's good to have a change and gave it a try, there's really no story” all of them listened to him not until one of the managers cleared his throat, “Everyone will be surprised if they suddenly found out Kun is the one who composed this how about we give the credit to Taeyong? This is more of his genre and the fans will love it more, in Taeyong we can have a lot more people to listen than Kun” everyone went silent, Kun can't help but look down, he already saw this coming and he still cannot accept that one of his works will be credited to another person, this isn't the first time

“This isn't the first time you'll do this so I don't think I have much say on your decision” he said defeatedly that makes Johnny clench his fist, “No” Taeyong said loud enough for everyone to hear, “I won't let you put the credits under my name, I'm not the one who stayed up late and went sleepless to produce a song, how many times you'll do this to him? From producing song for Super Junior sunbaenim to Aespa, you won't even hive credit to him anymore” he said angrily that surprise everyone, they didn't know that it's been happening ever since, Kun hadn't said anything to them

“You don't want another recognition adding up to your name?” the manager asked and Taeyong wants to slap him, “I want recognition from my own hard work and I won't ever accept a recognition if it come from someone who worked hard twice as I do” he's serious and the manager smiled at him, “So you're admitting that you aren't working hard enough? Should we remove you as the leader of NCT and put Kun since he's working hard twice as you do?” he's fed up with how they twist his words and he's not having it anymore, he hates how they do this everytime

“You all know how influential NCT is to people right?” Johnny said making everyone look at him, even the managers, everyone looks so curious at to what he will say, “well, just one word from us and we can turn the whole place down then how about we go leak something about the company? Especially me” the heads faces turned pale, they can feel the tension going up, even Taeyong doesn't understand what's going on, “you'll release the song, make it a title track and put all the credits under my boyfriend's name if you still want to wake up with what you have” that catches Kun attention, never Johnny use this authority to others, not even when they said they don't want the relationship going on between him and the taller

“alright we understand, the song will surely go under his name” after that confirmation they wrapped the meeting up and hurriedly leave the conference room leaving the whole group inside, they don't understand what's happening, “You shouldn't do that” Kun said, he is glad that he can get the credit but he's afraid because Johnny used his words against the heads, it's never good if Johnny used it, “and what? Leave them do something bad to you again? Of course not and listen to me Qian Kun, I'm only giving you space but I'm not taking a break nor cutting our relationship” Kun wants to smacked the older, he really wants knowing how stubborn this guy is

“John” he said in the voice that makes Johnny all smiley, “how about you guys explain what's happening and don't go all mushy?” Yuta butt in earning him a slap from Doyoung who's sitting beside him, he just groaned because it hurts, he won't lie

“they cheated” everyone went silent  when Jaemin butt in, Yangyang stood up from his seat and went to Jaemin's side but Jeno is fast enough to hold his waist and Hendery to shield Jaemin's slap from Yangyang, “if you don't know the fucking story then shut the fuck up because I'm losing all my patience with you” he said seriously that made everyone gasped, Haechan started sobbing too that alerted everyone

What are you crying about? Making it everything about you again? Grow up Lee Donghyuck stop being a brat!” Yangyang shout at him making Mark cover up Haechan, he won't let someone talk like that to the younger and when Jeno saw what Mark did he also put Yangyang behind his back, “Step back Mark hyunghe's dead serious and everyone in the room knows it but Mark is furious, “You step back Lee Jenothe two hold their grounds stubbornly the hyungs are just watching them not until Kun butt in, “Stop that both of you, Mark you should calm Haechan, Jeno you know that Mark won't do something to Yangyang, Hendery you're not also helping at all” he pertains to the younger who's also shielding Jaemin out of everyone in the room

“All this chaos will only stop if both of you just explain and in the first place if we just let Kun explained their side, now all of you take a seat and hear them out, we will ask things when they're done with their explanation” Taeyong announced and everyone nodded, Mark makes sure that Haechan is close to him, Jeno and Hendery did the same, even tho Jaemin is glaring at Hendery right now, “So let's start from the start” Kun said making everyone listen to him intently


The company just announced that their flight will be on the next day already, they have everything ready and they're just waiting for the right time, Kun let Sicheng spend time with Yuta and Lucas with Jungwoo, Ten locked himself inside the practice room to dance alone while the other three members are hanging out with the rest of the SM Trainees that they will leave when they go to their home country, Kun is composing song as usual but a certain person is still clinging into his mind, he remember well how he saw that person cried out, how he offers his handkerchief to him, he remember it all too well that he's starting to question if it's even right for him to do that

“get yourself Kun, you just did what is right at that moment, you comforted him and nothing all” he said to himself, he's writing a song and wishing that the company can approve to it and put it in their album, if it's also not too much he's also asking for a credit since the company said that he'll just get a credit if he will debut and now he's debuting, he's waiting for a credit under his name, he sighed, nothing is working in his mind, everything is just going back to that time. He finally reached his phone and look at his private social media accounts, he checked if other NCT members posted something however it appears none, he wants to ask if that person is doing all right or what but they might question him as to why he's asking such questions when in the first place they aren't that close to begin with

he dropped his phone at the table and just look at the screen in front of him, he was about to continue his work when his phone rings, he quickly pick it up and when he saw the caller's name, he can't help himself but feel nervous about it, he answered the call without hesitation

Hyunghe said in his most softest tone, because it's obvious that he doesn't want the person to feel uncomfortable with his normal voice, “Kun, I need you” those words, those words sets him in alert as he quickly saved everything he's making and turn off his server, “where are you right now hyung?” all he hears are sobs and its making him worry even more, he took his wallet and his coat, he's ready to run to where he's right now

“I'm... I actually don't know” his voice softening at that, Kun can't take it, “send me your location, I'll go to you” the other one went silent and he hears and ring in his phone, he forward his location to him and he's thankful that it's near and he can go there under 20 minutes, “okay, do you want me to stay on the phone with you?” he hears a little sob, he doesn't want to hear it anymore, “can you?” he unconsciously nod but he knows that the older won't see him do that so he just answered yes, he went to take his personal car since he's sure their manager won't be happy knowing Kun will leave the company's premises and even going to another member

Kun maybe went into a complete hurry that he didn't notice a pair of eyes following him since he left his studio and maybe he's too preoccupied to see that there's a car following him also

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