Chapter Fourteen

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The night ended with the older hyungs, most specifically Taeil, Taeyong and Doyoung as drunk, Kun who's not hanging his head off and looking at the pool like it's an interesting thing and the younger members already retired since they don't want to stay up too late with their drunk hyungs, Mark escorted Haechan when he knows he'll start something that shouldn't be started at the first place, Hendery, much to Jaemin's annoyance but zero resistance assist him inside the house, the others staying at their room or just cleaning up,

“Johnny hyung, just go to Taeil hyung he must be tired” Sicheng said to Johnny who's helping them to clean the table, Kun is still looking at the water pool, he's out of it

“No, it's okay, I'll just help here since he's already asleep” the younger didn't question anything anymore and just help Xiaojun and Lucas to get the trash everywhere leaving Kun, Johnny and Ten outside

Ten is busy collecting the decorations that the younger members made and Johnny is getting the kitchenwares that they use and some beers and wine that left unopened, they're working in silent, not really trying to start a conversation and just letting Kun look at whatever he wants to look at

“Johnny” the mentioned person look at who called him, it's Kun, he slowly walk to the younger man and kneeled in front of him, he can see that Kun is in the level of, I'm drunk but not too drunk but drunk enough so baby me, he wants to smile because Kun looks cute right now but he can see sadness in his eyes, “Yes Kunnie?” at the mentioned nickname, he can't help but look at the older and pout even more, he holds Johnny's cheeks and pinch it, he's crying and it catch Ten's attention who just let them be, this is his first time seeing Kun like this but he's happy to know that Kun can show his emotion in this state

“Why are you crying baby?” the younger sniffles and wipe his tears away, like he's ready to spill everything that makes him upset, “Why can't we tell them that I'm your boyfriend? Why they kept on calling me a third party?! I'm not! Taeil and Ten knows it but why they are not allowed?! I want to hug and to kiss and to sleep and to love you but they say I'm bad!” he's just bawling his eyes out and Ten took that as a sign to do Johnny's work of cleaning at the table they used, at least he doesn't need to deal with a crying Kun

“It's your choice baby right? You said you don't want them to know because they might act so obvious” Kun look at Johnny's face and the betrayal in his looks makes Johnny smile, he's so cute, “NO! I didn't said it!” he continue crying and Ten can't help but laugh at Johnny's misery, of course he enjoys it

“Baby stop crying” Kun ignored him and continue crying loudly, unfortunately for them, Xiaojun, Lucas and Sicheng went to see what's happening, when Ten saw them he gestured them not to say a single word and the three nodded awkwardly, seeing their leader crying like a baby in Johnny's embrace is not an everyday sight so be with it

“What's happening? I want to sleep” Ten didn't know that someone also just barged in so he didn't get to stop it, now that Kun heard it he stopped and looked at the person, “Why is Kun crying Johnny hyung?” Taeyong asked, he's not aware of what's happening but he heard Kun crying, he can't brush the sound of, he's worried, Taeyongie! Johnny is lying! He said I said that we said and I don't want to say that I don't like that saying to you that we JOHNNY!” he didn't get to stop because he went to cry harder that makes him unable to coherent whatever he's saying, Johnny can't help but just smile at his silly boyfriend, “You must be really tired baby, let me get you to your room so you can rest, how that sound?” Kun stopped crying and look at him with wide eyes

“I don't want to make baby with you because you're lying” Ten can't help it anymore and laugh really loud, Sicheng and Dejun who's trying to stay serious didn't succeed because Kun is so innocent looking at the older

“Why are you talking about baby? I thought your baby is Louis and Leon?” he smacked Johnny's head and glare at him, “That's Ten's child!” Johnny just let him do whatever he wants to do, he really just let Kun because it's so rare for him to be like this, Taeyong who's still not getting what's happening just look around, Ten is the only one who's enjoying and understanding the situation

“I want to... JOHNNY look there's a fish, Bella likes fish” he's pointing at the swimming pool, there's no fish in the swimming pool, Johnny can't help but just nod, Bella don't like fish but he'll just agree with whatever Kun says

“Do you want to tell them baby?” Kun's attention got caught with what Johnny says, he looks around and then back to Johnny, “I'm dating you? The company won't even let me see you” he said hugging Johnny, the older knows its hard for Kun, it's always Kun who's fighting for them

Kun is the one who first reached out to him when Ten left, he's the one who hug Johnny and offer his shoulder. Kun is the one who makes time to call Johnny and let him know about Ten until Johnny says he wants to know how's Kun's day. Kun is the one who secretly flew out of China just to meet Johnny in his birthday at exactly 12 am. Kun is the one who always sing for Johnny when he can't sleep.  Kun is the one who cheered for Johnny when he feels down. Kun is the one who said his feelings first because Johnny is afraid. Kun is the one who took a step forward and confess it to the management. Kun is the one who got to suffer for their relationship to last strong. Kun is the one who suggested that they shouldn't tell the members so they won't say something bad to Johnny. Kun is the one who apologized to Ten because he fell in love with his ex. It's always Kun. That's why Johnny feels guilty because he can't even be a man to fight for Kun too.

“I love you John, I love you so much that it hurts”

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