Chapter Nine

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“The meetings are killing me” Mark said, Taeyong look at him with understanding, Mark can't find time to rest he's always needed in the company it's either meeting, choreographing or writing a song, he wakes up early and go back at 3 am just to wake up at 4:30 to go back to the company

“Yong, can't you get a break? Mark looks like a zombie” Johnny pointed out and of course Taeyong can see it as well but it's needed, “If you ever see Kun hyung then I'm telling you that this is normal” Mark says, Chenle look up from his phone with a worried glance, he wants to talk to his Kun ge but worried that he's still upset at him, Jeno is always away with Shotaro, all of them knows that the two is spending time with the WayV members but they never let it out however Jaemin is also leaving the house but Jeno and Shotaro said that they never see Jaemin whenever they go out, both of them thought that Jaemin is spending his time at his room

“The three leaders really need to have a rest, isn't unfair that we have to rest and yet you three needs to go all out for this comeback? We only have 3 weeks left, maybe a night or two won't hurt the schedule?” Taeil suggested, he's seating with Johnny, Taeyong still silent, he's weighing the set up, if the three of them push all the work done then they will have time to finish it erarly but in their state he's afraid that they won't really finish it and will just scramble down, and if they stop for just two nights and one day then they can have rest time and continue working, the work won't be delay that much and they can fully redt without thinking of work even for just a day

“I will call the managers for a two nights and one day rest, I will also ask WayV if they can spend it here since for sure Kun won't rest and please no more drama, Kun is tired enough, me and Mark is tired enough so just please” he's looking at the dreamies who look away, Jisung looking down in shame and Chenle holding his hand, the hyungs already talked to them and they understand that they shouldn't think anything like that or say like that, they were already forgiven by the other hyungs however they still haven't talk to any WayV members, the reason is unknown for the other members

“I will prepare foods and if the manager says no let me talk to him” Taeil said standing up, Taeyong nodded and Doyoung followed the eldest to the kitchen, it's like a reflex since both of them are in charge when it comes to cooking

“You should rest Mark, we will just wake you up when its time to eat” Johnny said to his younger member, the Canadian didn't said anything and just stood up from his sit, he went to his shared room with Haechan and the younger followed behind, they didn't comment on it anymore since they all knew that Mark will only sleep well if Haechan is sleeping beside him

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

“Oh WayV!” greeted by Jaehyun, the members smile tightly and when Johnny met Kun's state he can't help but be worried, “Kun you look like a walking corpse, the company been so hard to you, Jungwoo, Renjun and Chenle help them to their respective rooms” the three mentioned name quickly ushered the new comers to their rooms, if Jungwoo and Chenle quickly went to Kun then we shouldn't talk about how Renjun look at the two, he's clearly pissed off

“This two really trying to get away from responsibilities, yah Jungwoo hyung try to help the others and don't leave me with them, help Lucas ge or whatever!” he said in Chinese making Jungwoo frown at him, “Kid I don't understand what you said but I will stick to Kun hyung!” the younger Chinese looks like he's about to explode, “I will tell Jaehyun you're bullying me!” the older look at him with wide eyes and the younger look contented with the reaction, he just huffed and get the bag from Lucas and Dejun, the younger Chinese smiled sweetly at them

“Perks of having a boyfriend” he said happily, he went to Ten and Sicheng, the two just smiled at him, Chenle and Kun going to their rooms and Yangyang is left with Hendery together, when two person appeared behind them

“Yang, I will take you to your room” Jeno said calmly, he's smiling making Hendery gagged at his face, Hendery hyung let me help you!” Shotaro said, Hendery just nodded, he wants to ask where is Jaemin but of course he won't since he doesn't want to be teased or like asked why he's asking about the Korean man

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

“I prepared food for everyone to enjoy and Doyoung made some deserts earlier” the table are already set and they're now all seated, Taeyong in the end of the table, on his right is Taeil, Johnny, Yuta, Doyoung Shotaro, Sungchan, Renjun, Jaehyun, Mark, Haechan and Jungwoo

in his left there's Kun, Ten, Sicheng,  Yangyang, Jeno, Chenle, Jisung, Jaemin, Hendery, Xiaojun and Lucas, the set up is kind a weird for them but they won't say anything else

“We should start eating, tomorrow is our first day rest since the manager also said that we can have the rest of the week off and they said they will be in charge in the other works so we don't need to worry anymore” the three leaders nodded, Taeil is the first one to dig in since it's their group tradition that the oldest will always start to eat followed by the leaders with Jeno, since he's also considered as the captain and then Johnny and Jisung next and then the rest of the group can start eating too

If you'll ask why Jisung should go with Johnny it's because they really baby the youngest and wants him to get anything he likes, he's the priority but they also need to respect the eldest and the leaders

“What do you guys want to do? The weather tomorrow is reported to be a little hot, we can use the pool outside so that we can rest under the sun, what do you think?” Taeyong suggested making the others perk up, Shotaro jolted happiness in his sit making Sungchan hold him down, “I will make ice cream!” Ten look at him and then said, “Make a chocolate one for methe younger nodded enthusiastically making his Yuta-kun smile at him, “But Sungchan can't help you today sweetie, I will ask his help for cleaning the pool” the younger then look around, who he can ask for help then?

Winwin hyung and Doyoung hyung can you help me make the ice cream today?” the sudden awkwardness filled the room, Shotaro still oblivious to the situation just remain looking at the two, “I will gladly do but I need to stop by at the company since I will have our first script reading today” said by Doyoung making the younger Japanese nod with understanding, “I am free tomorrow Taro” said by Jungwoo cutely making the Japanese giggle, “How about you Winwin hyung? Ah Dejun hyung you wanna help me too?” the older just nodded, everyone is now looking at Winwin who's silently eating, he's always silent tho

“Well, helping you three won't hurt but I'm not good with making foods” he said shrugging and making Dejun laugh, “You can't even cook eggs ge” the others laughing, making Sicheng roll his eyes, they continue eating and exchange of words from other members filled the hall

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