Chapter Four

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Everyone woke up from the chaos, nothing new, but this is a different chaos since someone is fighting, when the three leaders came down they saw Haechan and Yangyang trying to attack each other but Jeno and Sungchan stopping both of them, Jeno holding Haechan in the waist and Sungchan holding Yangyang's shoulder

“What's happening? Liu Yangyang?” Kun's voice rang through the living room making all of them stop, “Lee DonghyuckMark said with a disappointed tone of voice, the two 00 liner stopped and just look away in shame, Taeyong gestured them to seat at the sofa, WayV members standing at Yangyang's back while Dream members at Haechan's the 127 with Sungchan and Shotaro at the back of Taeyong, Kun and Mark

“Now, tell me what happened, from the start” Taeyong said using his leader voice, he look at the two members, Yangyang looking down and Haechan still looking pissed, “No one will talk? Donghyuck?” Mark second the motion, he really look so disappointed and it makes Haechan piss, “He started it first” he just said making Yangyang look up and glare at him,  they heard a gasped coming from their Japanese friend who quickly hide to Sungchan's back, “I asked what happened not who started it, Yangyang?”  the Taiwanese member still looking down, Ten quickly recognize that look of his baby, “Yang it's okay, just tell us what happened we're not blaming you” he said in a soft voice making Haechan scoffed, “See? He is not saying anything but you will still not blame him? What a plastic bitch” Yangyang look down again, he can't look at anyone, he wants to cry but he doesn't want to look weak

“Excuse me but no matter what happened you don't have a right to call Yangie that word we just want to know what happened because we know Yangyang more than you all do” Xiaojun said, he looks so serious and brows meeting in a line, “And we know Haechan too, he jokes around but he makes sure that no one will get hurt” Mark said, the others look at him, “Then you're just proving that no matter what Yangyang's explanation is you won't believe it because you will choose Haechan first” the two 99 liker glaring at each other, “Two of you sit down, Mark you're a leader choose to be a leader and don't be subjective and Dejun we want to know what happened so that we will be informed, no matter who started it first we will talk to them, get each other's side”

Yangyang please talk, we won't resolve it if you won't talk” Kun said, he is more calm than earlier, “Why don't you just blame me? It's better than listening and besides you won't believe me anyway” his voice crack in the middle, making Hendery sat beside him and hug him, Haechan rolled his eyes at that scene, “Now trying to get the sympathy of your members? You're really great” Haechan said in a sarcastic way, Dejun and Hendery glaring at him

Shotaro why don't you tell us what happened?” Yuta said making the younger Japanese look away, he is fidgeting and be looks nervous, “Taro sweetie?”  Doyoung said in a calm voice, Shotaro hug him and he hugs the younger back, he knows Shotaro is making a decision, “I woke up the same time with Yangyang, we both greet each other and then he ask if someone is already awake I told him that you and Yuta-san is still asleep and Sunchan too, we decided to go down so we can eat cereal we're just laughing and then we saw Haechan with the other Dream members except Mark hyung, they're talking about the celebration later and then Haechan said that Taeil hyung and Johnny hyung will celebrate their anniversary and then Yangyang asked if it's their friendship anniversary” he look away when he saw the Dream members glaring at him, Doyoung caught on that and glare back

“No one will look at Shotaro with that gaze, he is telling us what happened since none of you who are there is willing” Doyoung said in his serious voice making the younger members look away, “Continue Taro” the NCT leader said and the Japanese nodded, Haechan said that of course it's not a friendship anniversary because they're dating then Yangyang said that he knows Ten hyung and Johnny hyung is still dating so it's impossible and then Haechan said that he should forget about that because Ten hyung left his Johnny hyung alone and Ten hyung is selfish, Yangyang said it's not true but Jisung said that's what he also know because he saw Johnny hyung crying and then Renjun said that Yangyang, Hendery hyung and Xiaojun hyung is the reason why Sicheng hyung needs to go hiatus in 127 and why Ten hyung needs to leave” the Dream members look away, they know that they're at fault in this situation

“And then  Yangyang said that they should stop saying those words but Chenle said he is the reason why Kun hyung left and then I asked them to stop but Haechan stopped me and said that I should let Yangyang know because he is not a little kid anymore who cries because of nightmare, Yangyang grabbed his collar but Jaemin push him to the ground and when he got up Haechan grab his collar and then I tried to stop them but Jisung said I shouldn't then Jeno trying to pull them away but Jaemin said let Haechan be, I don't understand why but Haechan just said that Yangyang, Xiaojun hyung and Hendery hyung needs to go back to China and never go back here so Yangyang trying to punch him but he was stopped because Sungchan came and he pull Yangyang away from Haechan and then Jeno also pull Haechan away and all of you get down” he is still looking away the other members looking at the Dream members with disappointed looks and angry one

“I never expected this” Mark said in a low tone, he looks at his friends with a dangerous look, “If it's the case then I think it's better for us to just stay away, we will get the dorm in the company” Kun said standing up, “We need to talk this out Kun, you can't just decide because of what happened” Taeyong said trying to stop the younger who just look at him with pain reflecting in his eyes, “They already made the situation clear and I won't let this happen again,  hearing those words coming from them? I won't let someone say those words to my members, I bet you won't either, we will still show up in practice if that's what you want but I will still attend this meeting on Friday” he said, everyone in WayV stand up, Ten and Sicheng helping Yangyang up, he's still shaking, Shotaro get away from Doyoung and run after Yangyang, he hold his hand and offer a smile, “Do you still want cereal?” he asked making Yangyang smile a bit

“Milk comes first before cereal” the Japanese nodded, “I will let you get away from this one but cereal comes first” Hendery can't help but nod, “Yes, cereal comes first, I don't get why Yangyang wants milk first” the youngest of the unit scoffed, “Because if cereal comes first then it will get soggy” both of them quickly denied that, let's just say that Hendery and Shotaro make the cereal and Hendery asking Shotaro some Japanese words to say

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