Chapter Three

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"Jisung, Chenle and Sungchan can you all be a dear to us and call the other members?" Jaemin said with a smile, he is actually not asking but he is commanding, the three youngest quickly disappear to hunt the other members but those who is already in the living room quickly got up to seat in the dining hall, Taeyong, Taeil and Doyoung busy preparing the food while the others preparing the table

"Take a seat everyone, Haechan you too" Taeil said making the younger stop whatever he is doing to seat, he doesn't want to disobey his Taeil hyung, "Yu can you put this on the table for me?" Sicheng looks at Doyoung and Yuta, he never knew that they are close but he didn't even remember the last time that he talked with his hyung, "What's the magic word?" the Japanese one said, Sicheng can't help but smile, Yuta is still the same, "My love Ocyutapos" he whisper smoothly but stopped when he hears what Doyoung said, "Cherryuta" he didn't know what to do, Cherry is the new logo of Yuta, he once saw it from a fan page, he didn't know that Doyoung calls him that, he dropped his spoon that rang loudly to the hall making all the attention goes to him

"Are you okay Sicheng? Do you still feel tired?" he look down at his plate still processing everything, what's with Doyoung and Yuta? Are they that close? Did they got close when he went away?, "I will get you a water" Taeil said standing up, his Taeil hyung who always go to his back, he still doesn't know what to feel, "Here, drink this, maybe from exhaustion" the eldest stated, he took the glass of water and drink it, the other members still looking at him

"I'm okay, I just spaced out I'm sorry" the other member nodded, the chatter continued, he looks at Renjun who is sitting with Jaehyun, both of them smiling sweetly at each other, when he looks at his Taeil hyung and Johnny hyung both of them are subtle but he can see at his Johnny hyung eyes that there's admiration and love, he saw it before because its the same eyes that he gave to his Ten hyung

"Everything is set, we can eat now" Taeyong announced, the interactions between other members went noticed most especially Ten and Sicheng, "Kun and Mark there's a meeting this Friday at the company let's go together" the youngest leader look at his hyung, "Hyung you mean tomorrow right? Our meeting is scheduled on Tuesday not Friday" Taeyong shook his head, "I rescheduled it since I know Kun might be tired and they can relax first" the youngest nodded at him in understanding, the leader really knows the best for everyone

"Oh wait, Sicheng I heard you're casted in a drama? When will the shooting starts?" Taeyong is really doing a good job in tracking all the members activity even tho the company prohibited them, "Maybe this end of the year, I actually didn't think I will get casted" he shyly said making the others look at him, actor Dong Sicheng, "Then we should celebrate it, tomorrow evening since we have a lot of things to celebrate, Sicheng hyung drama, Yuta hyung movie, Doyoung hyung successful musical, OST and another drama, my OST, Mel's and Taeyong hyung solo, and of course the anniversary of my favorite parents Johnny hyung and Taeil hyung!" Ten look at Haechan, anniversary?

"Taeil hyung and Johnny hyung anniversary? I thought Johnny hyung is dating Ten hyung?" Yangyang said, he is kept hidden at the breakup since they thought he is still young and he's already stress going away from his parents, they doesn't want to add into his stress and be worried over his Ten-ge, "Yang baby why don't you just eat, we will talk later" Kun said trying to ease the tension going around, the youngest not getting the situation right just shrug, he doesn't really understand anything, "So tomorrow night is it?" Haechan said awkwardly, he didn't mean to bring that topic up but he is not solely at fault in this situation, Yangyang also asked

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

"I'm sorry about Yangyang earlier, he really didn't know and we kept it from him" Ten started, the hyungs, from Taeil to Hendery stayed behind so they can talk first, "Yeah, Yangyang is stressing about the whole changed so we decided to just hide it from him, he is still a baby when he joined, we don't want him to be worried on us" the others just listened to the both of them, Johnny and Taeil just smiling

"Nah it's okay, we understand him and besides we're both sure he doesn't mean it" the eldest said chuckling, Ten can see that Johnny look at the eldest with admiration, his heart breaking again, "So do you want to drink first or you guys want to just sleep?" Jaehyun asked, he is already at the fridge ready to take one, Yuta raised his hand, "Na Yuta" he lowered his hand slowly and just signal a no to Jaehyun, the younger laugh at his hyung but also quickly died down when he saw a figure standing at the entrance of the kitchen

"If you're done with the meeting then go upstairs or you will join Yuta hyung sleeping on the sofa" the Chinese said smiling, Jaehyun nervously laugh at the situation, "I am just planning to drink some water before going upstairs to cuddle with you but now I remember we have a mini fridge so we should go now" the members just shook their heads at how Jaehyun quickly pull Renjun to their shared room, "Doiebunny do you wanna rest now??" Yuta asked at the younger who is already yawning

"Can we?" the Japanese nodded with a sweet smile plastered on his face, "Of course, do you want me to carry you?" the younger just rolled his eyes at him, "Stop that Yuta, Yong we will just now rest, you should rest too" he said smiling, he look over at Winwin who's looking down at his fingers, "WayV friends who worked hard all of you should rest too" Sicheng look up at Doyoung, he can't help but question, if he didn't leave then he is still with Yuta and they'll be happy, "Doyoung hyung" the older stop at his track and look back at Sichenh, Yuta also look at the younger Chinese, "You look happy, both of you, I'm glad goodnight" he left them and went to his room, no, he is not glad

"Fuck you Doyoung for getting him away from me"

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