Chapter Six

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the WayV members already settled inside the dorm, there's seven rooms so they don't need to have a roommate anymore, the others who's still tired already rest inside their rooms the others unpacked and the rest just do whatever they wanted to do, they let each other since they all know it's for the better

"Shotaro ask if he can visit us" Yangyang announced, he is in the living room with Hendery and Xiaojun who's busy playing, they did it first thing after they rest, "Of course its Shotaro, he's a lovely one, he speaks Japanese too!" Hendery said with so much joy making Xiaojun roll his eyes, "Stupid, of course Taro will speak in Japanese since he's Japanese" the younger of the two just scoffed, Yangyang just shook his head and type his reply to his new found friend, he is really looking forward to be friends with Haechan since he heard a lot about him but he didn't thought that Haechan will say something stupid about them, it irritates him

"I will be out to buy some groceries, do you want me to buy you guys something?" Kun announced, the trio look at each other and shook their heads for a no, the oldest then nodded, "Okay, I will go out now, Lucas, Sicheng and Ten fell asleep so don't be too loud, Yangyang don't forget to give Louis, Leon and Bella their foods" the youngest then nodded, Kun will always be Kun, someone who worries a lot about anything

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

Kun arrived at the grocery store that is near at their dorm and he can't believe that it's also near at the house that the whole group rented, it's easy access in any case, he went to the meat section since he wants to cook something healthy for them, he choose some chicken and pork, the next target is the seafood, Xiaojun likes seafood, he went next to the vegetable and fruit section, Ten hates fruits but it doesn't mean that they won't get a stock, let him eat his unhealthy cookies while they eat sweet and delicious fruits, Ten will always show his distaste whenever he saw them eating fruits, he went next to the beverage section, he get some milks, juice, water and other beverages, he just went for a few in can drinks since he knows that Lucas and Sicheng likes to drink before going to sleep whenever they want to relax

"Hmm should I get this one or this one? Yangyang will like this one but the price is quite high" he keeps on looking for the two products he is holding when someone spoke next to him, "the one on the left is better, if you think about the price and the content it's better than the other one, the one looks cheap but the taste is also cheap, he won't like it" he look back to see someone but he is face with a broad chest, he look up to see the person he didn't think he will meet or even will have time to speak with

"Hey, I saw you having a hard time" the taller said with a kind smile, his eyes looking small because of that smile, Kun slowly nodded and put the other item on the shelf, "ah thank you hyung, I'm not really familiar with the brand and the product" he said smiling awkwardly to Johnny, the older just waved him off still smiling, "don't act too nervous Kun and it's nothing, you're here for a dorm stock aren't you? Do you need help?" the taller said, he is looking at the cart that Kun owns, he can say that he doesn't need help but it will be a big lie since the older already knows that in fact, he needs help

"If it's not bother to you hyung, I think I over estimated the things that I need to stock at the dorm" the older just nodded at him, he took the initiative to get the cart from Kun and slowly push it forward, Kun following behind him

"Well do you have a lift?" the Chinese look at him with a sheepish smile, "I can ask my manager to get me here don't worry about it hyung" the older now fully face him, a serious look painting his face, "I have a car, I can give you a ride" the younger was taken a back, first he didn't know that he will bump with Johnny in here and second he doesn't know that the older will be kind enough to help him with the groceries and even drive him back to the dorm

"Are you sure hyung? I'm afraid I'm bothering you long enough" the older wave him off, "you do no such thing, I am free and besides I wanna apologize for what happened earlier, I never thought the kids will think or say something like that" Kun can't help but look away, of course he knows that kids are kids and maybe the Dreamies just said those words because they thought it's only fair to voice out their opinions

"we can't really blame them, we left for two years and no contact at all" the older just shook his head, clearly disapproving to Kun's statement, "it's never an excuse, they should have known better, wait here I'll just go to my car so we can hit the road" the older nodded, Johnny left with a couple of plastic bags and Kun can't help but just wait, he can't go without those bags and for sure Johnny won't like it

The older pulled off in front of him, he was about to load the plastics in his own when Johnny went out of his car and helped him, he put mostly of it in the back seat and some inside the trunk, leaving no choice for Kun to not take the shotgun seat

"Okay, seatbelt in" he pulled his seatbelt over his body and so did Johnny, the older started the engine and maneuvered out of the parking lot, Kun can't help but be amaze on how he looks while driving

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

all of WayV members are now awake waiting for Kun to arrive since he promised some snacks and for sure he will bring snacks even tho they won't ask him, he's Kun

they are busy watching the television, they're actually more focused on their phones, only Sicheng and Lucas is interested in whatever show is playing in the device, but when the door opened all of their heads shoot up, seeing Kun but only few bags in his hand, the oldest look back and they all realize he is what someone else, the companion showed himself and all of them didn't expect it to be him

"Johnny hyung and I met at the supermarket he helped me going home since I went overboard buying stuffs" he explained since all of them looks like they're asking for an explanation, Johnny just smile at them hands still in his hands, "Lucas and Hendery you can get the bags out of his hand and settle it to the kitchen, Johnny hyung you should sit with them I'll just prepare a snack for everyone else, Dejun can you help me?" the mentioned name quickly agree, Kun gave him a signal to sit down beside his friend Ten, Yangyang look so lost but he didn't mention anything and just pet Bella, that is passed by Dejun to him

everyone seems awkward but they just go on to watching whatever it is playing in the tv

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