Chapter Eight

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“I love this day! I can't believe we really had a picnic, sadly Sungchan can't come because he's busy with games” the Japanese said, they're already walking back to the dorm, they took the stairs because Shotaro said he wants to spend more time with his two new 00 liner friends

“For the time we're eating you kept talking about Sungchanthe oldest of the three pointed out making Shotaro blush, he look away abruptly and walk faster, the two left behind and Yangyang can't help but steal glances at the korean, he can't believe that Jeno really went with them, he payed attention to whatever Jeno is doing or what he eats and it gives him a sense of comfort when Jeno offers help most of the time, he feels special but he also knows that Jeno is just like his friends or he just want to apologize to Yangyang? Yangyang doesn't really know

“You're silent, are you uncomfortable with me?” the Korean said making Yangyang shook his head, he's nervous and he doesn't know why. “It's just, I can't believe that you ask for forgiveness, you really didn't said anything bad and you even tried to stop him but you're still the first one to say sorry” the older took a deep breath

“Because I know it's not right yet I didn't try hard to stop them, they're really nice, I grew up with them and I know they have huge pride mostly when those person are outside our group, I understand how this abrupt change but it's not a reason for them to say something stupid to you or the other members” Yangyang knows and understand what Jeno is saying, he understand the point of the older since he, Dejun and Hendery is sometimes like that, maybe the whole WayV is like that during rare times

“I understand, how are they? I heard that after the meeting and the whole group will have a meeting and then the preparation for the whole comeback will be announced, I heard it from Kun ge last night” the Korean nodded, as the captain of Dream he also knows the next steps, Mark gave all information to him, even the littlest thing like how Jisung won't like to eat this on set or what, he and Mark works different but they're mostly in sync when it comes to the group and decisions

“They're resting and mostly playing games, they're having the rest we all want before we start the busy schedule again specially Haechan, he can rest for now but Mark is still juggling between his schedule because of three units and for sure he's part of the main unit again” Yangyang knows that Mark is the ace, he's always there when they need someone to debut, he's the apple of the eye of the entertainment and he mostly represent the group in anything, he's sitting in the right part of Taeyong when it comes to group, he's the most special asset of the group and the company, Yangyang absolutely knows

“Yeah, I heard they're planning to start a new boy group and they're still  choosing the members and they said it's from SHINEe to NCT and Mark is the only member that is sure to join” Jeno nodded, of course it's Mark, the one who never fails to give more than what they ask him, he always give his everything and even give more extra effort

“Will you two just keep talking there?” both startled, it's not Shotaro, it's much worse because its Jaemin, Jeno's best friend, Yangyang suddenly feels uncomfortable

JaeminJeno said, he's serious and the other one looks blank, Yangyang feels like he is not needed here, when Jeno looks at him he just nodded and start walking again he avoided Jaemin but stopped when someone greet the three, Jeno why don't you join us for dinner? Kun ge prepared more than enough food, and you...JaeminHendery said with his sarcastic smile

“We already said to Taeyong hyung that you three will eat here, Shotaro said that you two teased him” the eldest continued, Yangyang can't help but look at Jaemin, he's trying not to look at Hendery but he also have this pink cheeks

“We won't stand here all night, let's go” Hendery hold Jaemin's hand and they started walking ahead of the two again, Yangyang just kept looking at the two and he didn't feel Jeno stand-in beside him again, Hendery hyung said we can't stand here all night, we should go” he didn't know anymore but he feels Jeno intertwined their hands and started walking to the same direction that Jaemin and Hendery went

If Yangyang's cheeks are red then it must be the's not because of Jeno

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

“Eat up everyone, I made those since I heard that Shotaro, Jaemin and Jeno will stay for dinner!” Dejun still unsettled looking at Jaemin since he didn't uttered any words since Hendery sitted him to the dining table, no one asked but Hendery kept him there

“Kun ge he basically kidnapped me and hostage me here” Jaemin, speaking of, said pertaining to the unbothered Hendery who's taking his time eating

“I didn't kidnapped and hostage you, you're just standing there and I pity you since you look like you haven't eaten yet” the Korean glare at him again, he can't believe someone is disrespecting him right now, “Argh! I really hate you! I wish you choke on a piece of meatballs!” the others in the table just look at each other, they didn't give the two anymore attention because it's obvious that they're inside their own bubble

Jaemin you look like a bunny” Shotaro said making his 00 liner friend glare at him again but didn't comment anymore, he just eat his food, really he doesn't want to comment anymore if Hendery just didn't said, “He looks like a angry bunny Taro” he wants to smack the older right now, he really does but what he don't believe in physical fight and he thinks Hendery is older than him and respect to his Kun ge and Ten ge who's eating with them right now

Shotaro do you believe that if someone wrote their name in red pen it means you're wishing them death and bad luck?” Hendery choked on his food and glare at the Korean who's smiling widely, “are you threatening me?” he asked, amger visible in his voice,  “depends, are you threatened Hendery hyung?he asked full of sarcasm

Now the two of them spent their dinner exchanging glares, the others just brush it off just like how they brush the hands of Jeno and Yangyang that didn't leave each other since they come

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