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Kun arrived at the place and he quickly find the older, he even bought some foods on his way because he's afraid that the older hasn't eaten foods, when he finally saw him he can't help but feel disheartened, the hyung who's always cool, the one who's always laughing and never get angry looks so down right now, his eyes are red, he's drowning in his sweater, and he's looking at nowhere, he slowly approached the older and sat beside him, he put the food between them and didn't even talk, he just sat there with complete silence, he's looking at the birds flying around, he's just looking at the trees in front of them as if it holds the answers to the questions running in his head at this very moment

“your flight will be tomorrow right?” the elder asked and he hates to admit it but he's not also looking forward to it, feels like it's the most hated day of his life, “yeah, do you want to see him?” he wants to know if the taller wants to see his friend, he doesn't understand it however he feels something cold inside him, it feels like there's a hole inside of him after that question left his system, “no, I actually don't want and I'm not sure if I'm a bad person to feel like that” and Kun will fight everyone who'll tell that the taller is a bad person, he doesn't think that the older is like that, he never does, “no, you're not a bad person to feel that way” he says and he won't admit it but it makes him feel relieved that the person next to him isn't looking forward to see his friend and it slowly hit Kun, he's terrible to feel and think like that

“I'm not sure how will you take it however I want you to know that I'm happy that you'll finally get to debut, you're an amazing artist” when the taller said that Kun can't help but feels how his blood went through north and painted his cheeks maroon, “thank you hyung, I...” he doesn't know if he's allowed to continue or if it's alright to tell what he's thinking right now, “what is it Kun?” he took a deep breathe and look at the older, it's now or never, he won't let this chance just go away because of him being coward, “if you ever need me just call me, I... you shouldn't care what time is it or what day is it, just ring my phone and I'll go to you or just spend the time with you” he let out a big exhale after that, he can't believe himself that he really did that, he finally said it

“I'll keep that in mind Kun” he let out a smile at what the taller said, after that the silence won but it's not awkward nor heavy, it's comforting and it gives them warmth and peace of mind, they don't think about other things, they just soaked each other in the peacefulness that they bring to themselves, both of them are in peace.

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

“and from that we continued to talk and ended up dating” Kun stated, Ten and Taeil both shook their heads, “you literally forgot to mention the moment I discovered it and how Ten did” Taeil said with mischievous grin making the two of them roll their eyes, “Hyung” Kun said defeatedly making Ten smile go wider

“Go hyung!! I'm excited to hear it again!!” Ten said making Taeyong shush him, the others are just waiting for the eldest to spill the tea, “Well it was when Johnny got injured and WayV is in the middle of the concert in Japan, we literally need to bring Johnny to the hospital but since we still have a schedule we need to leave Johnny at the hospital with the manager, for the goodness sake Johnny didn't even make a fuss about staying in the hospital instead he asked the management to make it a secret but since reporters already found out about it the news spread like a wildfire, to say the least Johnny got so angry that he asked us to not go into the detail about what happened to the other members ESPECIALLY to the Chinese line, at first we all just thought that he doesn't want Ten to find out about it” the other Chinese line nodded, they still remember how strict Johnny is that time, he didn't let any NCT 127 members talk about the accident that even Mark and Haechan doesn't know what's happening inside his room, he forbid them

“it's going to the exciting part!” Ten said excitedly, he's not staying put at his seat making Taeyong hold him in place, “so since it's getting really weird for me, when maybe around 2 am or 3 am, I went out and decided to go to the company and just practice for a bit, but since it's still dawn there's not a lot of person in the company and at that time I thought I'm just seeing him, I saw Kun leaving the company wearing his pilot uniform whenever he flies his plane, and he's not with other managers or so and he's walking really fast, I decided to follow him and he went to his private car, since I also use my private car I followed him, he arrived at the hospital and to tell you, at that moment I think I also fell in love with him, imagine Kun wearing his uniform, he walked to the entrance like he's in a fashion show and straight went to the floor where Johnny is resting, in that moment I'm asking myself why would Kun go here in the middle of their tour and he looks like he's ready to sue whoever hurt Johnny and in that moment I still thought that maybe Ten is with him but when we arrived at Johnny's room, he still didn't notice me, he arrived at that room and the first thing he said is, ‘aren't you a clumsy bear? You promised that you wouldn't hurt yourself’ and I can't even believe it, why would Kun act like that” Kun just cover his face out of embarrassment making Johnny cooes at him, “Eh... Then hyung how did you know that both of them are dating?” Yuta asked the eldest who just rolled his eyes at the Japanese, “Isn't giving? Will you really fly out of China for your friend that got injured because of his stupidity? And to top it all, you're in the middle of the tour, it's Japan so it's really important!” Yuta still can't grasped the situation, he thinks it's pretty normal for a friend, “Okay, you're not getting the point Yuyu” Doyoung said making the Japanese nod, “If ever, this is just a situation don't ever ever think I'm really wishing for it to happen, if ever Shotaro got injured and we're in the middle of the concert in Japan and Shotaro is in Korea, will you fly and go to Korea to see Shotaro?” the older shook his head

“No, I'm pretty sure that Sungchan and the other members will make sure that Shotaro is doing well” Doyoung nodded, “if ever it was me, you're in Japan doing promotion to your movies and I got injured during practice, will you come to see me?” then Yuta got serious with that, “Of course not” making the younger glare at him, “I won't go to you because I won't let you get injured, who the hell will let their boyfriend got hurt?” Doyoung shook his head in defeat, “see, now you get it! If it's just someone as your friend you'll just wish him to get well however if it's someone important to you then you'll make sure to be there beside them” Yuta nodded in understanding, he looks at the other members and back to Kun and Johnny

“Other than Kun none of us knows how to fly a plane so I guess even tho it's your boyfriend who got hurt we won't just fly a plane, cross a country and be with our person” the others just shook their heads in disappointment, is Yuta really serious about what he said?

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