Chapter Five

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WayV decided to just leave after lunch since Taeil asked them nicely and he also apologize to what happened, the Dream members are sent to one room with Johnny and Jaehyun supervising them, they are both strict even tho Jaehyun is dating Renjun and Johnny looks at Haechan as his father figure, Shotaro with Yangyang talking about most random things while Sungchan, Hendery and Xiaojun playing games, the rest of the members are cooking or doing whatever they want to do

“The lunch is ready go down” Ten said making Yangyang and Shotaro nod but the other three who's busy playing games didn't pay attention making Ten throw the pillow to them, Hendery just laugh at his gege

“Go down now” he said with finality before leaving the room, the two 00 liner following behind him, the three is left alone to finish their game, they arrived at the dining hall and saw that Doyoung is preparing some bowls and getting some food from the table, “What are you doing Doyoung?” Kun beat him to ask about it, the mentioned member look at him and gave a tight smile, “I'm giving this to the members who get scolded, Mark said that Dream is under his care so he won't let them eat in the table they will stay to their rooms” Doyoung said, Yangyang and Shotaro look at each other, they both feel bad

“Hyung can you just use your leader card and hyung card to tell Mark hyung to get them down here? It's not fun eating at their room” Yangyang said to Kun, meanwhile Ten and Doyoung look at each other, the four of them stop when they heard that someone cleared their throat,  “You know that if you want to use the hyung card you should ask the eldest, right?” it's Taeil, he is standing near the kitchen door holding a plate of food,  “So do you really want them to eat here? It won't bother you?” continued by Taeil, the younger still looking at his other hyung's who is also waiting for his response

“Yes and besides they must be hungry right now” his hyung smiled at him, so when Taeyong and Mark appeared Taeil look at them rather a little serious, “Mark you should ask the Dream members to go down and eat here” the leader, Taeyong, look's confused,  “But hyung, it's their punishment and they won't learn if you go soft to them” said by Mark, he is really against the idea of the members eating at their rooms but he's the leader and the oldest in their unit, Yangyang here asked me to let the other members eat at the table since there's a chance that they won't really eat it if they just stay at their room especially Jisung and Chenlenow all the attention goes to Yangyang, Mark and Taeyong waiting for his confirmation and when he look at his other members he slowly nodded, “Yeah, and timeout is not really good,  they'll just think that it's a punishment and they'll just think of what they do rather than reflect on it, talking is still better” a smile blooms at Lucas face and hug the younger, “That's our sheep sheep” the younger just pouted at his gege, he can't really act mature if his hyung's keep on babying him, well he's not complaining

“I will go since I remember Johnny is the one guarding the room, for sure he won't let Mark”  a smile slowly leaves Ten's face, he can feel the bitterness creeping up to him, it seems that Johnny and Taeil is really close, he can feel it and he knows that he can't do anything about it

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

The lunch is silent except the sound of their utensils and soft exchange of words from the dream members, Haechan is sitting with Mark beside him and Johnny so to say the least he can't really eat properly, he also knows that what he did is wrong and he has his pride so he won't lower it down easily, well he understand Taro since he also knows how hard it is to be concerned by Yuta and Doyoung but he won't let Yangyang knows that he is sorry or guilty, at least not today

“I made some dessert earlier I learned this during our time in China, I wish you'll like it” Kun said making the other Chinese member look at him, he went to the fridge which is nearby, he really wants the group to taste this since Dejun and Hendery loves it, Yangyang won't admit it but he always use his maknae card to get the last serving, “Here” he put it down and gave each one of them a serving but when it comes to Jaemin he stopped, everyone look at him and Jaemin just look down, he is the only one who doesn't have a dessert, “It contains milk and since Jaemin doesn't like milk I search something that's similar to this but doesn't contain milk” he get the other container and yes, it looks delicious

“Here eat up” the younger just nodded and took a bite, he likes it, everyone just continue eating, “Kun can you send me the recipe for this dessert? I will try to create one, it taste great” Taeyong said, he really likes the dessert, it taste like you're eating a whole cloud and there's a fire works of sweet flavors into it, “Sure thing, I occasionally do it since this three loves it so much and it doesn't really affect the diet since even tho it taste sweet it doesn't contain too much sugar” the older nodded, it taste sweet but doesn't contain sugar, that's new

“Are you all sure that after this lunch you'll move to the company dorm? It's quite far here” Johnny asked, this is the first time that he'll talk to any WayV members, “Yeah, so what happened earlier won't happened again and besides they can get loud and I don't know if you can survive how loud they are mostly during nights” Kun said chuckling, he really knows that it will be a chaos everyday if WayV decided to adjust pretty well and start a chaos everyday

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