Chapter Thirteen

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“Kun you seem off, are you okay?” Doyoung asked since they're now inside the kitchen, they decided to make dinner since the others decided to have a barbeque party, they're readying the other foods while the others grilling the meat and readying the tables and decorations, the decorations suggested by the younger members

“Yeah, I am” he said but Doyoung feels like his friend is actually lying or not really lying, he's just denying the truth, “You know you can tell me right?” the older of the two took a long breathe, he doesn't want to talk about the subject but he also want to release the pent up stress, “I just feel like Jaemin is thinking that I will ruin someone's relationship, he's eyeing me like that since the incident happened earlier” Doyoung didn't look shock since he also witnessed it

“I actually noticed that too, maybe just a misunderstanding?” the younger of the two can't help but took a deep sighed making the younger look at him worriedly, “how are you two?” Kun look up to see it's Johnny who came in, he didn't say any more words and just let Doyoung talk to  the older

“Oh, Yuta texted me and ask for assistance outside, Johnny hyung help Kun!” Kun can't help but look at Doyoung with a face telling him to not leave him here alone with Johnny given the circumstances, “Sure, as if you can say no to Yutathe younger just gave a sheepish smile and run outside the kitchen, awkwardness filled the air, Kun keep his focus on the food while Johnny just continue what Doyoung is doing, they're both in perfect sync and it looks like they don't need to talk any more to do the cooking

“Kun, how are you?” Kun is wrong, of course this is Johnny that we're talking about, he will ask no matter what happens, “I'm fine” he wants the conversation down and Johnny can hear it in his tone, “I'm sorry” Kun doesn't want his sorry, Kun doesn't want his pity, “We can't do anything about it” Johnny really wants to do something, he really wants but how can he do that when his hands are tied

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

“Where is Kun ge?” Yangyang asked, he's asking no one in particular, he's hoping one of the people around him who hears his question can answer it, he doesn't know that Jaemin and Haechan look at each other, “It's funny because Johnny hyung isn't here too” Jaemin said with a knowing tone, Jeno and Mark can't help but gave him a warning look, the younger gave no mind in it

“Oh, Kun and Johnny hyung? I ask Johnny hyung to help Kun in the kitchen since Yuta asked me here, I also saw Taeil hyung came inside earlier, why?“ Doyoung said, good thing he hears their conversation when he's walking by, “But Taeil hyung already went out so it means the two of them left alone in the kitchen?” Haechan said, Mark can't help but look at Haechan with his final warning look but like Jaemin, he decided to give no mind at it

Donghyuck, both of them are cooking and I don't want to hear anymore bullshit to leave your mouth” Ten said, the other 00 liners can't help but look at the said person who left as soon as he finished his words, Doyoung just shrugged his shoulders leaving the younger on their own

“What's happening?” Yangyang asked since he doesn't really know what the hell is happening, Jeno just showed him a smile and the younger can't help but look away, Shotaro who witnessed the interaction can't help but slap Yangyang's arm, he's giggling like a little kid and Sungchan can't pass the moment, he took a some photos of Shotaro, Taeyong who's a little near them can't help but smile like a mad man knowing that the younger is looking after his hyung

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

the night camping goes smoothly, the tension around each other slowly dissolving but Haechan and Jaemin still keeping their eyes on the two of their hyungs, both Johnny and Kun sitting far from each other, Johnny is with Taeil while Kun sitting with Ten, he's not drinking alcohol since he said that they need a hyung who'll be in their right mind to look for the youngsters and also in the hyungs who have small alcohol tolerance, Taeil hyung and Taeyong hyung is already red” Doyoung stated, he's also red and he's clinging to Yuta more and keep on cooing at Jeno

“You're drunk Youngie” the Japanese stated but the younger Korean just laugh, “No, I'm sober but Winwinie looks red he needs you Yutathe silence overcome the whole group and Sicheng can't help but look at Yuta,  “You're drunk confirmed, you should rest” the younger pout he stand up but since he's a little drunk, Doyoung and his alcohol tolerance, Taeyong! Let's go dance!” the leader who's pouting already nodded, he also followed Doyoung, both dancing near the pool, Yuta can't help but frown at the two, “Yah! Taeil hyung come here!” the oldest nodded and suddenly stand up he almost meet the ground if it's not Johnny who hold his shirt, the oldest giggle and put Johnny's hand away, he walk to his two dongsaeng who's dancing furiously, Jungwoo who found it funny started recording the three, Yuta can't do anything but look at his boyfriend, he knows that Doyoung is already drunk and meddling with Doyoung drunk dancing will just result to a chaos, he's waiting for his boyfriend to be exhausted before bringing him inside

“Good thing Kun ge didn't drink alcohol or we will see a drunk Kun ge dancing too” Hendery stated making the older playfully glare at him, Ten who's drinking beside him giggled, he has a normal alcohol tolerance so he's still a little bit in his mind, “Oh I haven't seen Kun ge drunk” Yangyang said the older can't help but just laugh at it since he doesn't really want to get drunk

“Me too, we're both from SM Rookies but I haven't seen Kun ge drunk” Jaehyun now said, a lot of agreement came, mostly from the others who's close with Kun, “I wonder what kind of drunk is Kun ge” Sicheng said out of nowhere

“I bet he's the dancing drunk” Jungwoo said, like he's sure about it, “For me, Kun ge will be the singing drunk, he will sing a song out of tune but very loud” followed by Dejun, laughter erupted in their circle

Kunnie will be the sleepy drunk, he's always working so maybe he's the sleepy drunk” Ten said the others agreeing at his takes, Kun can't help but look at Ten and glare playfully again,

“Kun is a cute drunk, he will sing loudly but still in tune, he'll also dance while singing, he's a cuddly type when he goes tired of singing and dancing, he's also full of aegyo when he's drunk, I call him Koala whenever he's drunk and his alcohol tolerance depends if he's too tired but doesn't have schedule the next day  or he's tired but has schedule the next day, if he has a schedule the next day one to three bottles and he'll be drunk but if he doesn't have a schedule he can survive at least 15 to 20 bottles” Johnny said making the others look at him and Kun who's looking pale, Haechan and Jaemin shared the same look, the others look taken a back because of it

“How come you know all of that Johnny hyung when the whole WayV doesn't know even a single bit” Jaemin said, the older can't help but look at Kun, the older Chinese don't know what to say, he just randomly gets a glass and drink it in one go, Lucas trying to stop him but he's already late since Kun finished it

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