Chapter Fifteen

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“good morning everyone!” Taeil greeted everyone but he didn't saw the sullen look of others, especially Kun but Doyoung and Yuta seems fine, they're still cuddling at the sofa while Yuta is hugging Doyoung's waist

“What happened?” he ask Johnny, he just smile tightly at him as answer but the older seems unsatisfied with it

Taeil hyung did Johnny hyung slept with you last night?” Haechan said making everyone look at him, Chenle looks at him with annoyance in his eyes, “Well, actually I didn't know, I passed out” Haechan laugh at that making him confused, Mark got up to go near him but Haechan put his hands up, “Wait, let me tell you guys what I saw the last time Kun hyung visited our dorm it's actually fun” now Chenle glares at him, Yangyang not knowing what's happening and Jeno who came to his side, Jaemin looking at his best friend disapprovingly

“Stop it Hyuckthe Dream captain says making the younger roll his eyes, “No, I know Taeil hyung and the whole WayV, especially Ten hyung know what kind of person Kun is!” and now it makes Yangyang alert, he's looking at Ten and Kun with questioning eyes, Mark gripping Haechan's arm for a warning, “What is he talking about ge?” Xiaojun asked and Haechan sweetly smiled at him, if makes him uncomfortable, “What's happening Haechan? Why don't you just say it, you're making a scene” Lucas said and the youngee just scoffed because of it, he looks at Jaemin and the younger just shrugged, “Why are you only emphasizing Kun hyung let's also talk about Johnny hyung” and now the others look at both of them, the others not really getting what's happening

“Can you just shut up? Both of you!” Shotaro said, he shouted making all of them got shocked, he's still adorable in their eyes but it's like he's really angry,  Shotaro is right, you two should shut up because it's not even important and it's none of your business to start with” Ten said making everyone look confuse even more, Jaemin just rolled his eyes at them, of course no one would listen to them

“I told you to drop it right? Why can't you understand that? What do you want Haechan and you Jaemin? They will tell us when both of them are ready” Haechan looks at Ten with his questioning gaze, so he knows?, that's what running on Haechan's head right now, “oh so you know Ten hyung? You're letting them cheat on Taeil hyung?!” everyone was stunned when he heard what Haechan says, they all look at Johnny, Kun, and Taeil who's looking at Haechan angrily

“What? Cheating?” everyone don't know what to say because of that, they're cheating on Taeil hyung? Everyone became silent, Kun wants to explain himself but Yangyang already got up and leave them, he look at the other WayV members, Hendery and Dejun just left without even looking at him, other younger members also look at him with anger and disappointment in their eyes

“Just rest for everyone, Johnny assist Kun, Haechan we will talk” Taeil said coldly, Haechan look satisfied to what he did and just follow the older to where it goes, Kun look around and seeing that everyone avoided eye contact with him makes him sob, Johnny tried to touch him but he just back out, he didn't look around any more and just left back to his room, making Chenle look up worriedly

“Remember this day Jaemin because I won't ever forgive you” Shotaro said making them flinch, he left them while Sungchan just followed his hyung, Doyoung and Yuta still shook from what they heard just remain standing in the living room

“You both just ruin something for Kun-geSicheng said and took his own leave, the rest of the members also followed leaving Jeno, Mark, Renjun, Jaemin, Chenle, and Jisung remains, they aren't talking since everything is still messed up but Jaemin remains stoic, he didn't show any emotion

“Did Kun ge really do that?” Renjun asked no one in particular, he just want to voice out his thoughts and he don't know what to actually do, he doesn't know who to believe, the look of Kun earlier lingers on him

“I already told you guys, he did it, we even saw it, do you think I'll just lie because of this and make a drama?, Of course not, I'm more than that” Jisung nodded in understanding, he somehow knows that Jaemin won't lie something about this kind of situation

“I still believe Kun ge, he wants to explain but we didn't give him a chance, I'll wait for his explanation” Chenle, the person who's closest at Kun says, the others look at him with different emotions but he payed no mind in it

“Let's just order breakfast since I think no one will want to cook” Mark says and they just all nodded, he has this hard expression in himself that looks like he's just stopping himself from bursting, they just don't know the reason of the outburst tho

In the end, it's Mark who called and payed for the food, he gather everyone in the dining hall to at least eat something but Kun refused to go out and he's not talking to anyone, he closed the door that even Johnny can't come in resulting to the giant to just lock himself too, Mark looks stressed, Taeil and Haechan is still not done talking, Taeyong can't stay still because Taeil doesn't allow him to intervene

“Yang, do you want pancakes?” Jeno asked the younger who's still silent since earlier, he just nod and let Jeno put two pancakes in his plate but he didn't even bother to get his utensils, he just look at it, “Baby Yang, go on and eat” he looks at Ten and just shook his head for a no, making the 96 liner sighed, “Do you want something that you want to eat?” the younger remains still, Jeno looking at him with worried eyes, Yangyang is never silent, he never did

“Let him be Jen, if he doesn't want to eat them let him get hungry” Ten look at him with a glare, Jaemin remains still, Yangyang look up at him and just roll his eyes, he got up and leave the table making everyone worry, he's never like this,  “For the love of goodness sweets can you make your best friend shut up for a minute Jen? He's not even helping” Ten said full of venom, Doyoung sent him a warning glare which he just roll his eyes at, he doesn't need a scolding from a person he looks at as his younger brother, Doyoung is older by days

“If we can be mature enough, let's just eat” Taeyong said making them all nod, of course he's the leader, they need to follow his orders

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