Chapter Seven

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The meeting is still on-going, Mark, Taeyong and Kun sitting in the chair they're assigned, the board members kept on talking and talking about business, while the promotion, sales, management and marketing department readying their reports too, the three may look like they don't care but they're actually listening to whatever is happening,

“I really do believe that we need to put all of our efforts in giving them more comebacks and putting more photocards out while also very few inside the albums, the fans really don't like albums just like before, they're going for those photocards like their life depends on it” one of the board says, Kun raised his hand and everyone in the room looks at him, it's rare for them to hear Kun talk while there's a meeting

“The fans won't really like it, they know what the company is doing and I'm afraid that they will get bored easily, if we put more effort in giving other pre-order benefits for them then they will be more engage in buying our albums beforehand and if you really want to push the photocards for more money and income then use it as pre-order benefit and only give a few of them, they'll tend to buy more albums to have a higher chance to get those photocards and in doing so if they want to get a video call with their idols they need to buy a certain amount of albums and also they will get a rare photocard of the idol they want,  if that won't do then I also give idea about selling items with our face or name on it, it can be by solo, set or group, those items can be use by them in their everyday life and to sum it all we can design those items and of course they will want to get those items”

the whole room is silent as he finish talking, he's just looking at the board of the members and the CEO clapped slowly, he can hear the other people inside the room following, “A business minded leader, that's what we want, I can really see Suho in him” one of the board says, Kun can't help but roll his eyes in his mind, he's Qian Kun so why would they see someone in him

Taeyong smile af him and he reciprocates it, the whole meeting starts again and they're talking all, Kun decided that its time for him to slowly just get engaged in whatever they're doing

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

meanwhile, Shotaro is once again sneaking out of their dorm, he made plan with Yangyang today, they decided to go on a picnic together and in that being said, he prepared some foods for them while the Chinese also did with some help from Hendery, he at least know how to cook a little bit and it won't turn out a disaster like Winwin

“Where are you going?” he stopped dead track to see who it is, of course he already know who it is so he just slowly look at his back and he's met with his fellow eye-smile member, Jeno Lee. “Where are you going? I can't see a manager around nor any of our hyungs” the Japanese still holding the basket in his hands look around instead of answering his friend, he doesn't know what to do

“I'm asking you, where are you going?” the month younger member sighed defeated, he knows if Jeno say no to his plan then he can ask Doyoung or Yuta for help, they always help Shotaro!

WayV dorm, Yangyang and I decided to have a picnic in the company's rooftop today since the weather is nice” the latter look outside, they are in front of a window and he can clearly see that the sky is bright yet it's not too hot for them to stay under the sun, “Can I join? I want to apologize to Yangyang for what happened last time, I failed to stop the members from saying bad things to him and the other hyungs” Shotaro look at him with eyes full of questions

“You didn't said you don't like them, you didn't failed to stop them but let me ask you, do you hate Yangyang? Do you also think or maybe do you sometimes think that he shouldn't be here because they're the reason why the other hyungs need to go?” Jeno look at him and abruptly shook his head

“No, I don't hate Yangyang, I will never do and I never thought that way, I know our line of work we sometimes need to get out of our comfort zone, meet new people and the others also need to leave but I will never ever hate anyone or even blame them for the others leaving me or the others behind, first of all they don't even have a choice at that moment, they need to take the risk for their dreams” Shotaro smile happily, at least he now confirmed that Jeno is not someone who hates the WayV members because he genuinely loves those members

“In that case you'll hold this and let's go to their dorm! Yangyang will be happy to have a day with his two fellow 00 liners!” Jeno just shook his head at his Japanese friend, Shotaro really looks like a person that is kicked out of anime, his expression and the way he talks, it's like he's from anime but he's different from Yuta, Yuta looks like a character from a serious gang crime movie, he looks scary but also looks cute whenever he wanted to be

They arrived at the dorm, Jeno is not even shock when Shotaro casually open the door and when they got inside he heard laughter and some Chinese words, when they reached the living room it got quite, all of them just look at Shotaro and Jeno, not knowing what to do

Jeno asked if he can join our picnic today! He talked to me earlier and I guess he wants to say something!” Jeno look at him with wide eyes, as wide as his small eyes can do, “Ah well I just wanted to apologize for my behavior last time, our behavior to be exact, I failed to educate my team on what should they react to the sudden changes and I also failed to stop them from hurting all of you” he took a 90 degrees bow and when he look up again he saw them looking at each other and Hendery just smile followed by the others

“This is the reason why you're Doyoung's favorite dongsaeng and besides it's not your fault Jeno, you didn't said anything bad towards us and you even tried to stop them but I guess your best friend stopped you” Ten said, the Korean man just smiled awkwardly, it didn't reach his eyes

“So then you three can head to your picnic date, we will just binge watch a movie here” said by Sicheng, Yangyang got up and get his things at the kitchen island and the three 00 liner went out to go to the rooftop, Yangyang and Jeno feeling awkward and Shotaro having the best time of his life

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