Chapter Twelve

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Taeil hyung won't you go after Kun hyung and Johnny hyung?” Haechan asked, he's sitting in the edge of the pool he's with Mark and other NCT Dream members except Jaemin and Jisung who still choose to stay under the shade

“No, why would I?” the members look at each other, why would he let it, they doesn't want to tell something bad but they don't really feel at ease with the information of Johnny and Kun being alone, “maybe Taeil hyung is not a jealous type and besides what would Johnny hyung and Kun ge do inside while all of us are here and Kun ge won't do something like that” Chenle said when Taeil was away from them, Jaemin who came after Taeil left just look at him with his bored look

“You're making excuse because it's Kun ge, Haechan is just worried about Taeil hyung” Jaemin said to Chenle, the younger frown, of course he's not making excuses, “Are you really worried about him or just making Kun ge the bad guy? You always act like that and it's pissing me off seriously, stop giving a malice to whatever they do, Lucas ge and Sicheng ge also went inside together but I'm not hearing anything about them, it's accident that Kun ge fell into the pool and it's normal for Johnny hyung to helped him you all are narrow minded” he said storming out of them, Shotaro who's standing nearby heard everything and when the others look at him he just rolled his eyes and followed Chenle inside

“what Chenle said is right, I don't see anything wrong earlier” Jeno said standing up, Jaemin look at him with wide eyes, he can't believe that his best friend just disagree with his choices, “Really Jeno?” Jaemin said looking pissed off and the older of the two nodded who's wearing his serious face, “I guess it's time for you to grow up Jaem and Haech, you two shouldn't dwell with the matters that doesn't really involve you” Jeno said looking at the two person who's looking at him now, Mark came up to the three of them, Haechan thinks that Mark is in his side

“As the leader and the hyung of you three, I agree with Jeno, you two should know when to put your noses, I don't want this issue resurfacing again, apologize to Chenle before this night ends, let's go Jenothe two can't believe that their best friend really just left them there, Renjun and Jisung, the youngest who came when Jeno almost left just look at them with their annoyed face, both of them run after their friends

“I am just worried about Taeil hyung finding out that Johnny hyung and Kun hyung kissed, they're making us the bad guy here” Jaemin said frustratedly, “I can't believe that Kun hyung is like that” the two of them didn't think that someone heard them, he didn't say anything else and just leave the two younger members

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

“Should we start dinner?” Taeil announced when they all gathered in the living room, the others playing games and the others just minding their own business, “How about we make barbeque tonight? A night swimming is fun and we can also have a little party, no alcohol for kids” Doyoung suggested making the other hyungs nodded and the younger members groaning, especially the 00 liners since they're already allowed to drink

“We don't have enough meat for the barbeque, should we go out and buy?” Kun asked, he's sitting between Yangyang and Shotaro, the two 00 liner hugging his waist, he's like in a cage, “Then Johnny should accompany Kun, it might be heavy” Yuta suggested innocently, everyone was silent after that and he look around asking why they got quiet, Taeil hyung can go” the eldest Chinese said, Jaemin and Haechan rolled their eyes and Chenle can't help but glare at them

“I don't wanna go to grocery Kun, you and Johnny can go there” Jaemin rolled his eyes once again and it didn't go unnoticed by the leader of three teams, Kun can't understand him tho, Jaemin do you have any problems?” Taeyong asked with his serious face and the younger just look at Kun and Taeyong, he's eyeing them and it makes Kun uncomfortable

“I will just accompany Kun ge” Lucas said standing up, Kun did the same and both left to change their clothes and get their mask, Xiaojun offering to help them and Lucas didn't think twice and agreed making Kun shook his head

“We should set up outside then” Johnny said and the other guys followed him, Taeyong also followed them but without looking at Jaemin like he's examining him

“Can you two really stop that? It's irritating seriously” Shotaro said, Sungchan, who doesn't know anything about what happened just followed his best friend, Chenle remained glaring at his two hyungs and Jisung trying to stop him by offering to play together

“Stop rolling your eyes, I'm afraid it will stay behind your skull” Hendery said with a teasing tone making Jaemin glare at him too, “Can you just go and shut the fuck up maybe? I don't wanna talk to you for real” the older just smirk at him

“Why? Do you prefer me looking at you?” Jaemin fake gagged at him and to his annoyance left,  Hendery can't help but smile widely

“See? He's not a tough guy at all” he left to help the others outside

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