Chapter Sixteen

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“Kun, let's talk please” the younger didn't answer him, he's just looking out at the window, he's still crying and it makes Johnny feel so worried sick, he wants to comfort Kun, he wants to tell him that he'll do everything to take the pain away but Kun doesn't even want to look at him

“John, am I bad?” Johnny wants to cry at that question, Kun will never be bad, he never is and never was, he always make sure that everyone is okay, he take good care of the others, he always make sure that the people around him comes first before him and hearing him question his own is something Johnny isn't ready

“No, no you aren't, fuck Kun you know you're far from that baby” the younger sob harder, this time Johnny engulfed him in a hug, his back pressed with Johnny and he's just breaking down, he's crying heavily and it makes Johnny feel hurt even more, he's so hurt hearing Kun's sob, he doesn't deserve it, he never does, “You know you're not, I love you so much Kun and I will clean this mess love don't worry, I'll make sure that they won't hurt you anymore” Kun didn't stop, let his tears flow down, Johnny can feel all the frustration and self hatred, he doesn't like those feelings at all

“John, let's take a break” words that ruin Johnny, he never thought that Kun will suggest that, he never did, “No, Kun what do you mean by that? We won't be doing that, fuck please no Kun, you're the only thing that keeps me up”  Kun knows it, Kun knows that Johnny has him and he has Johnny but it feels wrong knowing the group is getting into the mess, he doesn't want it

“I love you so much John, I really do and if I wanna be selfish I'll choose you again and again but we're ruining the group, I don't want to hurt them anymore John” and it makes Johnny feel frustrated, he doesn't understand why they need to separate, he can't understand why they need to sacrifice for the group

“But why can't you choose us? Kun why?” he asked making the younger sob louder, he's tore between choosing Johnny and the group, he always choose Johnny without a doubt but right now, right now he doesn't know why he can't choose him, the looks from his team hurts him, the look at Yangyang's eyes betray him, he cannot stand knowing the younger ones hate him, despise him

“I will always love you John, I always do but let's take a break, I cannot hurt the group anymore” he stand up and went to his closet making Johnny nervous, “Will you also leave our room? Kun please, just give this to me” he pleaded but Kun just shook his head, he cannot do this anymore, it will just hurt them

“I... you need this room John, I'll stay at out dorm during rookie days” he feels frustrated knowing Kun, he will make sure that he'll suffer alone and he won't ever let Johnny suffer with him, “Kun please, please let's talk about this first” he didn't listen and just put all of his things in his bag, he didn't look at Johnny even tho he's trying to stop Kun, when he's done he walk towards the door and opened it, Johnny trying to stop him but to no avail, when they both reached the living room everyone is alarmed to see them both, Johnny is a crying mess and so is Kun

“Kun please, don't do this, you said we should always talk” Johnny's voice is pleading, he can't help but feel so broken, this hurts him more than the moment Ten left for his dreams, “This is for everyone right? I will just leave, just please take care of yourself, you shouldn't cry too much I don't deserve those tears” Chenle hearing those words from his ge started to cry also, Taeyong can't do anything because he knows that it's a matter between them

FUCK IT! Kun please be selfish for once!” Kun just shook his head, he let go of Johnny's hand and leave their dorm, Johnny tried to run for him but Kun just close the door to his face, Johnny can't help but just cry, he can't understand why every time he's happy someone will just ruin it, why does someone always need to ruin it?

“What's happening? Why is Johnny crying?” Taeil asked, he's not with Haechan anymore but he looks like he just scolded someone so hard, “Why is no one answering me?” he look around and saw Chenle, Yangyang and Shotaro crying, Johnny is crying hard, he can't understand what's happening but when he saw Ten looking frustrated he connected the dots,

“Where is Kun? Taeyong?” the leader shook his head, he also feel frustrated knowing he can't do anything about it, “He left me, Taeil hyung he left me” Johnny sounded so broken, Taeil knows that Johnny won't call him hyung if he's not hurt, Johnny didn't even call him hyung when Ten left

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

Kun go back to the dorm he and Jisol used to own, this is the room that the company gave the two of them as a compensation because they cannot debut them the same time other NCT did, this is a secret place for him that no one knows, his dreams started here and the moment he realized that he likes Johnny, the same Johnny that Ten hurts once, he can't do anything but hurt him again because he's scared that he already ruined the whole group, his phone constantly rings but he pays no attention anymore, he don't wanna talk to someone anymore, he's tired

He decided to just work because that's what he does to forget everything, he turned off his phone and opened his computer, he decided to use this time to do something better for his group, he needs to forget everything

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

It's been two days since Kun left, Johnny refused to talk to anyone, he either go to the practice room, vocal room or inside his room, he doesn't talk or even look at Haechan or Jaemin, Haechan can't even talk to others except the other hyungs who still talk to him, Mark is still in his side no matter what he does

Everyone is inside the conference room, they'll talk about the songs that they'll be using in the album, everyone contributed to the writings but Mark, Johnny and Taeyong mostly does the job, Johnny puts all of his time in making their music,  “Kun ge!” all of them look at the guy who opened the door, he didn't look at anyone and just go to his usual seat, the seat reserved to a leader like him, he's between Mark and Taeyong, “Kun Kun why didn't you contact us! I'm worried!” Ten said, he's pissed at everyone but he makes sure that WayV is in a good shape, “I became busy with my work Ten that's the only thing I can contribute with the group” Taeyong is ready to butt in but the door opened once again and their managers came in, Ten go back to his sit and everyone settled in, Johnny still looking at Kun, he can see that Kun haven't got any sleep

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