Chapter Ten

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"Do you really think we can do this?" asked by Jungwoo, they're now looking at Shotaro who's busy with preparing the ingredients, Sicheng just looking at them, he looks so lost not knowing what to do, "Maybe we can ask Kun-ge? He knows this things!" Dejun suggested, Jungwoo knows that they can trust the older but Taeyong said they needed to rest and he don't want to disturb Kun in any chance

"No, I think we can do this, we will just make ice cream what could go wrong?" the two Chinese looks at him like they don't trust that idea, like they really don't...

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

"Do you think they're fine?" asked by Jaemin, they're resting at the second floor veranda, he can see the other members cleaning the pool and building some tables around so it can accommodate the foods tomorrow, "I don't also know...I'm kinda worried they already made a mess at the kitchen, Taeil hyung and the others are sleeing" said by Rejun, he's playingwith Jisung's finger since the younger fell asleep with Chenle in his other side

"Should we check? I'm really worried tho" the older of the two hummed, he slowly get up so he won't disturb Jisung's sleeping state, the two of them went down to check the kitchen, they can hear some sobbing and now the two are alert

"What happened?" asked by Jaemin, Jungwoo looking all stressed already both of them can see the mess at the floor and even the spilled milk in the counter top, "Dejun unfortunately spilled the milk and now we don't have a milk anymore" Shotaro has now teary eyed, this can't go wrong, this really can't

"It's okay, we will just clean this mess, throw everything that is not needed then let's make a proper one, me and Renjun will help, Sicheng hyung and Dejun hyung the two of you can change your clothes" the two Chinese then shook their heads, "We will help" the other two then nodded, they all get the cleaning tools and Renjun got the big plastic so they can put all the trash inside, in 15 minutes they're already done cleaning, Sicheng put the thrash out and Dejun excusing himself to change his clothes

"Sorry Taro, We really want to help but it became a disaster" Dejun said full of shame the younger Japanese then shook his head, "it's not don't worry! I really appreciate the help but I guess we really need help from someone who really knows it" the others look at Jaemin and Renjun the two awkwardly laugh

"We should head out and visit the nearest store, we need someone to drive a car, Sicheng hyung or Jungwoo hyung?" the two look at each other and then Dejun out his hand up making the others look at him, "Lucas can! I know he won't mind, let me call him!" the air suddenly feels awkward when Dejun left, they subtly look at Jungwoo who finds interest in the basket of fruits in front of him

"He said yes! Let's go!" the others then followed him, he took the shotgun seat and no one really questioned, Sicheng, Shotaro, Renjun and Jaemin just simply took sit at their chosen spot

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

Doyoung just came back from the company and he met the others already done cleaning the pool and already resting inside, they're looking like they just finished their shower

"Where is the others?" he asked, Yuta quickly look at him and smiled sweetly, "They left to buy something, are you tired?" the older offered his boyfriend a seat, the younger then quickly took the seat beside him, he rest his head at Yuta's shoulder, his schedule just last for an hour but he feels tired, talking and discussing with people really tired him out

"Yes, I just want to sleep for the next three days, talking to them is tiring" the older can't help but laugh at him, his lover is tired and all

"Rest for now" the older said the younger then nodded and rest his head at his boyfriend's shoulder

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

"Junnie I guess Bella really need this one" the others looking at the two and Dejun just shook his head, "You already bought a lot of things for her, my room is full of her toys already" the older shook his head and get the toy from Dejun's hold and walk to the counter, Dejun just closes his eyes tightly and glare at the man who bought the toy

"He's our daughter, what would she feel if her father just decline what she needs?" Dejun didn't answer him anymore and went out of the store, the others following behind him they just let the two since it seems serious, Jaemin looks at Jungwoo who's being silent he offered a smile and the other just gave a nod, a confirmation that he doesn't need to get worried anymore

"Come on Junnie, this is the last toy I will buy for Bella" Lucas said, Dejun is really pissed right now at what Lucas did, "You're spoiling him seriously, I don't want to talk to you right now" the taller nodded at him, the ride went silent and no one really bothered to talk to each other knowing how pissed Dejun is

**✿❀chapter break❀✿**

They came home and saw the others already done and is resting, Sicheng saw how Doyoung comfortably sleep in on Yuta's shoulder, he can't stop himself but feel jealous, he had a very limited time to have that kind of moments with Yuta because he needs to focus on his dream and now seeing that someone is doing it with Yuta, it hurts him even more

"Taro, I will rest for now I kinda feel exhausted, I'm sorry" the Japanese nodded, he saw and understand what Sicheng feels like, he maybe didn't saw it first hand but he can see the pain in Sicheng's eyes, it's showing and he can't help but feel bad for the older, he can't do anything about it tho

"I will go to Taro" seeing Dejun leaving them makes Taro feel worried, Lucas hurriedly follow Dejun and when he look over at Jungwoo he can also see the longing in his eyes but he hide it quickly with a smile when he felt that someone is staring at him

"Then it leaves us with us? Should we start?" Jaemin asked, he's holding the things that they bought and Shotaro just nodded, at least he can still ask help from the others but he can't stop and feel bad that his other hyung's is not okay with the set up right now

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