Shitty Brat

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Evelyn's POV

It was just another normal day, and I stood where we had parked our cars. After a few minutes, Bella arrived with a golden onion and placed it in my hands.

"The heck is that?!" I asked, amused, and she groaned. "Mr. Monila gave it to me for solving a quiz," she replied, and I burst into laughter.

"Yeah, I had it in my class too, but I didn't take it," I replied. Then she told me about how Edward was at school today and how they talked to each other.

"He's so weird sometimes," she said, and suddenly, there was a big commotion. 

Before I could grasp what had happened, I found myself on the ground, my hand having grazed a car. I felt immense pain, winced, and looked around.

We had almost been hit by a truck, but Edward came and stopped it. Then silence. A long beat, void of any sound, as Bella and I looked at Edward, trying to absorb what had just happened.

"Are you alright?" Edward asked, rubbing my back. "Yeah... Yeah...I'm fine...." I nodded with tear-filled eyes, and he walked away.

The screaming began, people yelling and calling for help. 'Why are you all yelling when I'm the one who's hurt?' People leaped to Tyler's aid, running to us. 

We saw the golden onion on the ground, smashed as we would have been, if not for Edward. As everyone swept in, Edward moved into the background.

"Bella! Bella! Evelyn! Evie!" echoed the students as they surrounded us. 

"Dial 911!" Angela exclaimed, rushing to hold my swollen hands. "I already called," Eric replied, playing the responsible hero.

Amidst the chaos, the CULLENS observed Edward with a mix of disapproval and fury. 'Weird family dynamics,' I thought, shrugging it off.

"Bella, Evelyn... I'm so sorry. I panicked," Tyler confessed, sporting a bleeding head. "Yeah... I'll be fine... don't worry," I reassured him, and we went to the nearest hospital. 

Which was the college infirmary

There I was, lying on a hospital bed, indulging in ice cream with my good hand while the other received bandages. The X-rays revealed some broken finger bones. 

'What the hell??! Bitch, how??'

Then, in burst Charlie, determined to have a talk with Tyler. "You and I are gonna talk!" he declared, pointing accusingly. 

"You guys all right?" He asked, genuinely concerned, as we exchanged glances. "I'm fine, Dad. Calm down. It's Eve who's hurt," Bella explained.

"I'm sorry, Evelyn. I tried to stop," Tyler apologized, and I nodded. "I know. It's okay," I replied, giving him a reassuring smile, while my dad glared. 

"No. It sure as hell is not okay!" He asserted.

"Dad, it wasn't his fault—" Bella began. 

"You could've been killed. You understand that?" Chief Swan sternly interrupted. "Yes! But we weren't, so... calm down," I chimed in, rubbing his arms.

He'd hug her if that was who he—or who she was. Instead, he maintained a fierce glare at Tyler, setting the stage for a frozen hospital drama.

"You can kiss your license goodbye!" Charlie declared to Tyler, and then a strikingly handsome guy entered the room. 

"I heard the chief's daughters were here," He casually mentioned.

We looked up as DR. CARLISLE CULLEN, mid-30s, approached us. He was blond, movie-star handsome, with a kind yet tired expression. "Dr. Cullen," called Father, and they shook hands. 

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