The Volturi

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Evelyn's POV

"Alice?" Bella questioned as she entered the house after a while. "Oh, my God! What are you...Bella!" Alice exclaimed, enveloping her in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, I just can't believe you're here. Is..." Bella stammered, pulling away. "Would you like to explain to me how you're alive?" Alice asked, her frustration evident.

"What?" Bella responded, visibly confused. "I saw a vision of you. You jumped off a cliff!" He exclaimed exasperatedly.

"Why in the hell would you try and kill yourself? I mean, what about Charlie? What about... Eve...?" She continued, the worry etched on her face.

"I didn't try to kill myself. I was cliff jumping. Recreationally. It was fun," Bella clarified, earning a scoff from me.

The two continued their conversation while I drowned myself in alcohol. Charlie would be furious if he found out.

"I have never met anyone more prone to life-threatening idiocy," Alice remarked, clearly exasperated. "Does...Did you tell him?" Bella inquired.

"No. He only calls in once every few months. He said he wants to be alone," Alice replied, and Bella sighed.

"Bella, what is that God-awful wet dog smell?" Alice asked, making a disgusted face. "Um... That's probably me. Or it's Jacob," Bella answered, removing her jacket.

"Jacob who?" She queried. "Jacob's kind of a werewolf," Bella explained, and I couldn't help but glance at them while continuing to drink.

"Bella! Werewolves are not good company to keep," Alice warned. "Speak for yourself," Jacob chimed in, entering. I shot him a glance and resumed my drinking.

"I had to see you were safe," He admitted. "I thought you couldn't protect us here?" I interjected. "Guess I don't care," He replied, earning a scoff from me.

'The lengths he'd go for Bella are insane.'

"Well, I'm not gonna hurt them," Alice declared. "No, you're just a harmless Cullen. I'm talking about the other bloodsucker who tried to kill Bella and Eve because of you," Jacob retorted.

"Victoria?" Alice asked surprised. "Yeah, Victoria's been around," Bella confirmed.

"I didn't see her. I didn't see you get pulled out of the water, either. I can't see past you and your pack of mutts," Alice snarled eying Jacob.

"Don't get me upset..." Jacob warned, and they went face to face. "Hey, stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop," Bella interjected, attempting to defuse the brewing confrontation.

"Or things are gonna get very ugly!" Jacob growled.

I banged my sixth can of beer on the table, glaring at them. "Nobody is fighting in my house! If you want, you're free to go out," I asserted, silencing both of them.

"I'll give you a minute," Alice stated, heading to the door. "Hey! You're not going anywhere. You're gonna come back, right?" Bella asked. "As soon as you put the dog out," She replied.

Then Alice exited, leaving them to exchange tense glances. My chest felt weird and I scowled. 'Damn, I don't like this. I don't like this at all. The alcohol's messing with me...'

"Is he... Are there others? How many Cullens are here, and how long are they staying?" Jacob pressed.

"No. It's just Alice. And she can stay as long as she'd like!" Bella declared, retreating into the kitchen. "Well, are the rest coming back?" He asked, following her.

Suddenly, Alice rushed inside, heading straight to the kitchen. "Bella! Bella, it's Edward. He thinks you're dead. Rosalie told him why I came here," She blurted out.

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