Victoria's Back

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Evelyn's POV

Feeling an electric jolt from my chest, I shot up at an ungodly hour—4:30. My instincts, insisted I venture into the woods.

Sighing, I hopped on my trusty broomstick, breaking my self asserted house arrest, post Jacob catastrophe.

Navigating through the moonlit forest, I stumbled upon Paul and Emmett engaged in some deforestation project.

"Hey, stop that!!" I intervened, ensnaring them in tree vines.

"Haven't seen you folks in a month, and you're already staging a rebellion? I didn't know we were in the dark ages!!?" I quipped, thoroughly amused.

"Evelyn!!" The Cullens arrived calling me out, and the wolves growled in harmony.

"Alright, let's all talk, spill the beans—what happened?" I asked, releasing Paul and Emmett from their restraints. Emmett lunged at Paul, but Esme and Carlisle held him back.

Paul growled and I got off my broomstick gloomy to the Quileute pack.

"Paul,, chill..." I stood beside him patting hik, and he responded with a mixture of whining and face-licking. "Ha ha ha ha, cut it out, it tickles," I giggled, trying not to be licked into submission.

"Sam, Carlisle, do you mind?" I called, summoning the leaders of each group. "Okay, tell me what happened with all the honesty you've got," I demanded, playing the no-nonsense detective.

"Umm, it was completely Emmett's fault," Carlisle pointed fingers—figuratively, of course. "Hey, no, it was Victoria's!" Emmett retaliated.

A canine-vs-vampire argument ensued, with Jared and Embry barking and Emmett snarling. I played the peacekeeper, patting the wolves to calm him down.

'Victoria's back? It's about time.'

"We were after her, and so were the Quileutes. Emmett got overly enthusiastic, jumped into their territory, and then Paul heroically pushed him away."

Carlisle clarified the chaos. "It's all just a misunderstanding....'

"I almost got her! If it wasn't for this dog!" Emmett, still fuming, declared. "Grrr!! Rrrrrr!" Paul growled in response. "They let her get away!" Emmett complained.

"Okay, I get it! Emmett, apologize!" I ordered, and he looked flabbergasted. "Huh?! Why me?!" He protested. "Well, you broke the treaty first!" I replied, and Paul couldn't hide his smug satisfaction, even under his wolf guise.

"But--" Emmett tried to argue, and I cut him off with a stern "Now!"

The Cullens chuckled as Emmett mumbled his reluctant apology, 'sorry.....' and the wolves barked in their displeasure.

"Say it louder, they're claiming they can't hear you," I teased, enjoying his groan. "Okay, fine! I was wrong!! SORRY!! You dogs Happy now?!!?" he bellowed, causing nearby birds to stage an unplanned aerial show.

"Now that the drama's over, back to your regularly scheduled places." I directed, and Emmett's exasperation reached new heights. "Evelyn, are you okay?" Carlisle asked, concern etched on his handsome features.

"Awww, you're as hot as always," I said, embracing him. He chuckled, and my hug marathon extended to the rest of the Cullens.

The wolves, feeling slightly neglected, emitted a collective whine. "Go on, guys. I'll drop by for a canine cuddle session later," I promised, and they scampered off.

Later that night, I crashed at the Cullens', and the following morning, Charlie treated me to an earful that rivaled a symphony of lectures.

"Since when did I become your personal Uber driver?" I grumbled, feeling like a third wheel as I drove toward my High School.

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