Difficult Alliance

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Evelyn's POV

Bella spilled the tea to Jacob, and he decided to play detective in our rooms. Outside the house, Edward and I patiently waited for his expert analysis, or whatever.

"Whoever it was, he left his stink behind. It'll be hard to miss when we cross it again. We'll handle it from here," Jacob announced confidently.

"We don't need you to handle anything. Or anyone," Edward snapped back. "I could care less what you need," Jacob retorted.

"All right, we're done here!" Edward declared, attempting to pull Bella away.

"No, you're done here!" Jacob snarled at him. "Stop! I'm tired of this. From now on, I'm Switzerland, okay?" Bella declared, and I had to massage my temples.

"Stop acting like toddlers throwing tantrums! We have a problem to solve, and your egos aren't helping. Grow up for once!" I reprimanded, and a rare silence fell upon the trio.

"I'm not joking. This is serious. Do you understandi?" I asked firmly, waiting for acknowledgment.



They both mumbled.

"Good! Now let's go." I declared and made my way to my car. Tried to start it, but no luck. I popped the hood, and smoke started billowing out. "What happened?" Jacob asked.

"The battery is dead," I said, then more smoke emerged, *cough* *cough* and I closed the hood, coughing hard.

"Looks like something more," Jacob observed. I glanced at my watch.
"Crap! I'll be late in this case!" I exclaimed, locking my car. "Need a lift?" Edward offered.

"Nope, my college is far, you'll be late by the time you return. I'll catch a cab," I replied, determined to avoid any more drama.

"Come with me, I'll drop you," Jacob offered, hopping on his bike. "No, don't worry. I don't want to trouble you," I declined awkwardly.

"It's fine. I don't have anything better to do anyway," He insisted. I sighed and reluctantly got on his bike. Not wanting to create any more drama between us.

"Sorry, didn't bring a helmet, so hold on tight," Jacob warned. "Just get on with it already!" I snapped, and he drove. I didn't hold onto him. I didn't want to.

I just sat there, hands in the air like I was on a roller coaster. Suddenly, he braked, and I instinctively grabbed the sides of his waist.

"What the...! Why would you do that?!" I demanded, annoyed. "I told you to hold on!" Jacob scolded, looking at me, and I turned away. "I don't want to..." I mumbled.

"If you don't want to fall, then hold, I'm gonna speed up." He advised, and I begrudgingly held him tight.

Then he started driving again. "Why, Jacob? Why are you doing this to me, Jacob?" I questioned, mumbling into his back.

Tears were threatening to fall, but I bit my lip to stop them. None of us spoke anything, and he brought me to my college. I got off, and he looked at me.

"I'll come pick you up," Jacob promised. "No need--"

"Hey! Evelyn!" Stephen, my project partner cutting me off mid-sentence, approached us and kissed my cheeks, visibly irking Jacob. "This kid is...?" He asked, clearly unimpressed.

?" He asked, clearly unimpressed

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