Christmas Eve

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Evelyn's POV

As Carlisle and Esme returned with the last witness, Edward and I went to welcome them. "How many came?" Carlisle asked as they stepped out of the car.

"Eighteen," Edward replied. "You have some good friends," I complimented them, offering a warm smile. "And Alice?" Carlisle asked expectantly and we shook our heads in response.

"Evelyn, you still don't want to join us...?" Edward's question was filled with seriousness, causing me to pause and I realised I couldn't give a nonchalant reply. 

A war is not something I want my people to go through," I responded firmly as I turned away. "There will be no war...!" I declared, my voice echoing with certainty as I gazed back at them. 

"What I say is absolute!!" With those words, I retreated back inside. The Cullens opened their home to the eighteen vampires, each with their own unique gifts. 

Bella soon discovered her own special ability: a powerful mental shield that had protected her from Edward's mind-reading even when she was human. 

With guidance, she learned to extend this shield to protect others from vampire superpowers, a skill that would prove invaluable in the days to come.

As I was supposed to hand Renesmee over to Charlie, I was to pick my GodDaughter from Cullens to the Swan's

Meanwhile, Jacob's playful banter continued in the car. "I'm surprised you took a break from Jedi training," he remarked sarcastically, glancing at Bella through the rearview mirror.

"If I don't take Renesmee to my dad, he'll come to us. Twenty-seven vampires, one human. Not so great." Bella defended herself.

Jacob couldn't resist teasing further. "Is that what you told Edward?!" he scoffed, earning a glare from Bella. "You should be grateful he can't read your mind..." I interjected, rolling my eyes.

Jacob exhaled deeply, his tone softening. "Well... whatever," he said, before expressing his relief at being away from the vampires. 

"I'm just glad to get away from all those reeking bloodsuckers," he remarked, prompting a knowing glance from Bella.

"I'm sorry. I know. They're the good guys. But come on, Dracula One and Two are cr... cr... creepy," he continued, attempting to lighten the mood with humor. 

Our laughter filled the car as we shared a moment of levity amidst the tension of recent events. 

"Like you're the one to talk!!" I scoffed. As I'm certain it's the same with Jacob as he nips at me with those canine teeth of his.

As we arrived at Charlie's house, I stopped the car and we all stepped out. 

Jacob couldn't resist probing further, asking, "Hey, what do you mean by that?!" 

But I chose to ignore his question, leaving it unanswered as we focused on the task at hand - delivering Renesmee safely to her grandfather's care.

"Wow! Look at you. You've shot up like a beanstalk! Seriously, must be at least six inches taller," Charlie remarked, eyeing Renesmee surprised. 

"Mm-Hm." She nodded with satisfaction dancing in her eyes, before Charlie's gaze shifted to me.

"Young Lady, why does it feel like our paths cross less and less these days?" Charlie's question hung in the air, leaving me momentarily speechless. 

'How do I even begin to answer that?'

"Come on inside. Lunch is on the table," Sue to the rescue, nudging Charlie gently. He grumbled in protest, but followed her nonetheless. "We've got a tree to decorate, remember?"

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