Vampire Hunt

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Evelyn's POV

"Again!" Emmett bellowed, launching himself at Jasper with the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store. 

"Oh, come on! Can we please wrap this up? How many rounds is this now?" I groaned in annoyance. We were in the heart of the forest, training with the Cullen clan to face off against the newborns. 

In the midst of my protest, Jasper effortlessly flipped Emmett over. "Mmhm! That's gotta sting!" I winced, sympathizing with Emmett's less-than-graceful landing.

Just then, Edward and Bella pulled up in a jeep, accompanied by the wolves. 

"They're not feeling cozy enough to strut around in their human forms," Edward quipped amused, reading the wolves' thoughts. 

My attention, however, drifted to a familiar face.

"They made it... that's what counts. Anyone up for translation duty?" Carlisle asked. "Hey, Jake......" Bella greeted, diverting my gaze. 

But my distraction was short-lived as a pint-sized wolf named Seth decided to use me as a personal trampoline.

"Ah!! Wahahah! Hey, Seth!!" I chuckled, feeling the unexpected canine assault. "Ha ha, I'm glad to see you too but you're a bit of a heavyweight, buddy!" I teased as he licked my face. 

'He's so darn cute.'

Rosalie, with her trademark glare, offered to intervene. "Want me to get him off?!" She asked, eyeing Seth like he was a pest. 

"Nah, I'm good. I'm used to it," I assured her, causing Seth to shiver under her disapproving gaze.

While Sam growled in response and Edward shot me a curious look, Seth took matters into his own paws. 

He stood up, playfully nipping at my collar before lifting me with utmost care not to bite me. "That was unexpected!" I exclaimed, grateful for the unconventional lift.

Then me brought me by the wolves side and settled me down and I sweat-dropped. Seth settled beside me, while Paul and Jared joined in with their affectionate gestures. 

"You guys make me feel loved," I grinned, happily nuzzling into their furry companionship.

"Ahem!!" Carlisle cleared his throat, drawing our attention.

 "Welcome. Jasper, with his experience, will guide us on facing newborns." Edward added, "They want to understand how newborns differ from us."

Carlisle chimed in, "They're stronger due to lingering human blood in their tissues, a stark contrast to our peak strength in the early months of our existence," 

"A newborn army doesn't need sheer numbers like a human army, but their strength is unparalleled." Edward continued.

"Two vital rules: First? Never let them encircle you—they'll crush you instantly. And second, avoid the obvious kill. They'll anticipate it, and you'll lose."

"And second, never go for the obvious kill... Emmett!" Jasper took the lead, addressing Emmett. The sparring commenced, and I couldn't help but marvel, "Ohhh, they're really good, right?"

As the Cullens and wolves engaged in their practice, the lycan companions around me made a series of indistinct sounds and whines.

"Sorry, I don't speak wolf!" I chuckled, earning a collective growl. "They claim they can fight better." Edward translated, I couldn't help but laugh at the canine bravado.

"Some of you are gonna get hurt. It's gonna be a hundred times worse than this. Do you really wanna do this?" I questioned, met with a chorus of whines from the wolves.

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