New Moon

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Evelyn's POV

Beneath the enchanting moonlit sky~~

Charlie and I were lounging downstairs, binging on telly vibes, when suddenly, were disrupted by Bella's scream.

I, in my infinite wisdom, knew Edward her knight in shining brooding armor, was by her side, but Dad? Dad was in full-blown panic mode.

"Hey. You okay?" Charlie asked as we sprinted into her room. "Yes dad, I'm fine," she assured. "Last time you said that, you vanished for three days," Charlie retorted, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm really sorry, Dad..." Bella confessed, guilt dripping from her words. "Do not pull a disappearing act on me again. Ever. Grounded for life,"  Dad declared, laying down the law.

"But what about Evelyn? She was my partner in crime!" Bella accused. I smirked, leaning against her doorframe with an air of superiority.

"She's got the age, the college, and a front-row seat to the 'Evie-can-do-no-wrong' spectacle," Charlie dismissed before making his exit.

Enter Edward as I slyly closed the door.

"I'm not technically breaking any rules. He only said I couldn't use the front door. Window entrances, however, are fair game," Edward explained.

I shot him a look that screamed 'seriously?'

Fast Forwarding A Few Days Later

"You all know what I desire," Bella announced at the Cullens, and truth be told, I'd rather be anywhere else. Yet, Carlisle himself waltzed into my abode and apologized.

'How can you resist such a charming doctor, right? I mean, seriously, who can say no to that cuteness?'

Bella proposed her grand plan of becoming a new race 'Vampire', "And to make it fair, let's put it to a vote."

"You have no idea what you're talking about," Edward scoffed, positioned right beside me. "Shush!" She retorted, and he groaned.

The Cullen consensus aligned, with everyone but Rosalie on board. Bella turned to me, hopeful eyes gleaming.

"Sister?" She questioned, and I nodded knowingly. "I didn't let three ancient vampires sip my precious blood for nothing," I stated with a hint of amusement.

"Awww, Evie... I love you," Bella exclaimed, enveloping me in a warm hug, reciprocated with sisterly affection.

"If it brings you joy, that's all I ask for," I shared, and she hummed contentedly. Soon, Edward chauffeured us back home.

"I'll wait until after graduation to make it easier on Charlie. Edward, you should be the one to do it." Bella declared, causing Edward to slam on the brakes, and my head met the seat with a thud.

"You scoundrel! What was that for--?" I began, only to spot Jacob. He shot a glance at Edward and wr retreated into the woods. "He wants a chat," Edward explained, and we trailed behind him.

"So, you're still among the living, for now," Jacob asked skeptically.

'What's he implying?'

"He wants to check if she's still human." Edward replied. "Oh," I sang in realization. "Keep out of my thoughts," Jacob warned.

"Jacob, I know you have something to share. But before that, allow me a moment. Thank you. Thank you for keeping Bella alive when I couldn't," Edward expressed, reaching into Jacob's thoughts.

"No. You didn't. And trust me, it wasn't for your sake," Jacob scoffed, dismissing Edward's gratitude with a hint of resentment.

"I'm still grateful, but I'm sticking by her side. Won't budge unless she orders me away," He said, poised to depart.

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