02 | the awkwardness, the tension

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02 | "Oh

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02 | "Oh... so you like him, is that what you're telling me?"

 so you like him, is that what you're telling me?"

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Yerin types quickly, eyes stuck on the screen. She can't stop thinking about yesterday night, the midnight interaction between he-who-shall-not-be-named and her. Her blue-light glasses pulsate against her face, having to be pushed back up every minute due to the shaking of her body. It steadies, though, as a hand is placed on her shoulder.

Slowly looking up, head then eyes, she sees the Public Relations head, who is her best friend, Choi Yeojin. "You look pale. Are you okay?" The head places the handkerchief-tied lunch onto Yerin's desk, the worker looking back at it. "When was the last time you've eaten!? Has Mr. Park been working you too hard? Everyone's at lunch!"

Yerin perks up, crickets in silence as everyone's out for lunch. The only ones here were Yerin and Mr. Park, who were on the other side of her. "Who said I overwork her? She's the one who volunteers to do all the work! That's how I come home early!"

"Yeah, but what about her?" Yeojin points at Yerin, who couldn't care less. Yerin's eyes switch between the growing argument, seeing the couple go head to head over something petty. "What if she wanted to go home early and dream about what she dreams?"

"Then she can leave whenever she wants. She just refuses to not let us do work," Jongseong replies, poking Yerin. "Workaholic."

"Am not!"

"Yes, you are," Yeojin switches, causing Yerin's head to snap the other way like paranoia. "And I think you should go home early tonight. Soon, you'll be taking Jongseong's job!"

"Yeah, and that's the last thing I want," Yerin mumbles, Jongseong rolling his eyes. "I mean, he's right, though. I don't do anything outside of work except sleep and eat. What is the difference between practically living at work and living at home?"

"It's that you get to do what people in the real world like doing. Socializing, having fun, getting into relationships..." Yerin's eyes widened at the last point made. "Say, do you even have a love life?"

love, maybe? | 성훈 √Where stories live. Discover now