15 | for patience and tears

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15 | "I'll wait for you

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15 | "I'll wait for you."

"I love Cha Yerin

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"I love Cha Yerin. I love Yerin so much, I will wait many lives to be with her."

Jaeyun's eyes flicker to someone behind him, widening even bigger. Sunghoon turns at the scene, seeing Yerin hold the hefty amount of papers in her hand. Yerin couldn't believe what she heard in front of the workplace. It was more surprising to hear since Sunghoon isn't the type to spill such romantic words but surprised Yerin even further that her intuition and brain had been wrong all this time. Sunghoon did have feelings for her.



"God," Jongseong and Yeojin throw words back and forth to each other. Yeojin is of absolute disbelief and Jongseong of true excitement. They waited years, the girl more than the boy, to see two unlikely characters fall in love at their workplace as they did. "Oh my god."

"You know, Honey, it reminds me of a song from my favorite idol group," Yeojin clears her throat, ready to tear the office workplace walls to shreds. She holds a dense ear, singing the first note with a bit of flat. "Ohh~"

"Honey, not the place and the time. Save it for when I'm not here or when we're at karaoke," Jongseong covers her mouth, pointing to Sunghoon's face. "Look. His chest isn't rising up and down. Sunghoon stopped breathing. Do you think we should help him?"

"Nah. He's about to fall to his knees in a second, but Yerin's ready to lend a hand. Jaeyun might lose his balance, too, considering that the short battle has already ended."

"Really? Who would've thought with all the bark Jaeyun was doing, he'd falter so quickly," Jongseong tsks. "I don't think it's over, though. You can see the defeat in Jaeyun's eyes, but his fists are saying otherwise."

"Stop narrating the moment. Let's go eat lunch."

"'Kay," And, we're back to the romantic climax. Yerin sees Sunghoon's knees buckle, causing her to drop the files in her hands and grab his forearms.

"Sunghoon, are you alright?" She pushes away the awkward feeling simmering at the bottom of her chest, grabbing him as his glasses are pushed up by her other hand. "Get a hold of yourself, Mr. Park. Are you okay?" She repeats her question, but as she pats his back for him to breathe, she realizes that this crush may be deeper than she believed. "Sunghoon, it's just me-"

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